Tough Calls

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  • Post last modified:November 16, 2011

If any of you have been following me since this summer you will probably remember these posts; Betterment Helps the Lost and Tired family and CKP Heating and Cooling: Paying it. If you have a few minutes, these are both good reads, in the sense that you can see people helping other people.

Basically, The Foundation for Community Betterment is a not-for-profit that helps people at a local level, in way that actually improve the quality of life of the people they help. My family was lucky enough to be a recipient of this amazing organization. Betterment worked with CKP Heating and Cooling to provide my family with central air conditioning.

CKP Heating and Cooling actually donated the entire system. They were and still are an amazing company of kind and generous people.

The Foundation for Community Betterment is one of those rare organizations that set out to make a difference and actually do just that, make a difference. In this day and age, so many charity type organizations can overpromise and underdeliver. However, Betterment actually helps out people in their local community and they help them out in ways that truly does improve their lives. I honestly, can’t say enough about both of these organizations.

Tough Call

In the advent of recent events, moving my family has become a necessity. I don’t know when we will be able to move, all I know is we will be moving as soon ans humanly possible. I knew that I should call both Betterment and CKP Heating and Cooling  but I had put it off because, honestly, I didn’t know what to say and all this has happened rather quickly. I received a phone call from Betterment this morning because they had read about what was going on and wanted to find out what had happened.

I explained about all the violence and the one really close call a few weeks ago. I was pretty nervous because I’m rarely ever at a loss for words but in this situation, to say that I feel horribly guilty would be an understatement. I realize that we had no idea that any of this was going to happen and that moving would become a reality but these people helped to improve our home and now we have to walk away from that. Someone else could have benefited from their generosity.

Despite my feelings or guilt, I was reassured by Betterment that they completely understand. I wish I had called them before they called me, but nevertheless, they were supportive and words can not express how much relief that brought to me. Part of me was afraid they would be mad or angry with us for moving. I know that sounds childish, but I have such a deep respect for Betterment that I honestly, didn’t want to disappoint them. Does that make sense?

Speaking with them today was really nice. They truly are an amazing group of people and I will support them in any way that I can. I honestly, can’t express how much better they made me feel about this whole ordeal.

Learning from my previous mistake

After getting off the phone with Betterment,  I immediately contacted CKP Heating and Cooling. I wanted to make sure that I was the one that told them and not remake the same mistake I had made with Betterment by putting off the phone call.

So I called CKP Heating and Cooling and spoke with the very nice young woman that has been my contact there throughout this whole process. I explained what had happened and that we would be moving ASAP. I told her that I wanted them to hear this from me and she was once again very kind and understanding. I explained that I had no idea any of this was going to happen or I would have never accepted this in the first place.

I said that I would like to offer back everything that had donated since we would, at some point, be moving. Again, she was so understanding and made this difficult phone call so much easier for me.

I was honestly, very nervous about making this call and I feel like I rambled but I survived, much to the credit of CKP Heating and Cooling for their understanding and compassion.

Moving forward

We are still looking for a place to move to. However, after speaking with Betterment and CKP Heating and Cooling today, I feel so much better about continuing to move forward with the relocation of my family. I was feeling alot of guilt and anxiety about having to move after these organizations had reached out to improve our lives. After speaking with both Betterment and CKP Heating and Cooling,  I’m stilled amazed at just how compassionate and understanding they both are, especially in light of recently announcing that we will be moving.

Thank you Betterment and CKP Heating and Cooling.  You have made such a positive impact on my family and words can’t express how much respect and admiration I have for both of you. While I never could have predicted these events coming to pass, I’m so incredibly grateful for you understanding and support. Thank you so much for all that you have done for my family and for all the other families that you kindness and generosity has touched.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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