Happy 12th Birthday Gavin

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 18, 2012

It was about 11 years ago when I met Lizze for the first time.  A few weeks later in was introduced to little boy not much older than a year.

About 11 years later and I’m witness to his 12th Birthday..

Happy Birthday Gavin,  we love you so very much.  🙂

This picture was taken shortly after Gavin and I fist met.  He was pretending to drive my brand new truck.  Much has changed since then but I cherish those memories dearly. 


Please feel free to wish Gavin a happy birthday.  I know he’ll love hearing from all of you.  🙂

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Happy Birthday to the strongest and most resilient 12 year old out there! I hope you had a great day, despite all the appointments and blood draws!


Thanks Julia. It\’s been a long day but Gavin was so excited by so many people wishing him a Happy Birthday. Thank you again. 🙂


Eeeeee gads that seems like a lifetime ago! I can still remember holding that little Viener Snitzel in my arms though and him smiling up at me! <3


Happy Birthday Gavin! I hope you have a really lovely day. xx