Do you dread parent teacher conferences?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 16, 2012

There is something I’m grateful for and it’s that we don’t have to dread dealing with my boys school. I think parent teacher conferences are a source a stress for many parents, especially those with special needs kids. When our kids were in the local public school system, it was an absolute nightmare. I’ve been very open and upfront about that. The public school system, in my experience, is grossly inadequate to properly and effectively handle children on the Autism Spectrum.

Having moved our oldest to Summit Academy many years ago, school has taken on new meaning. In fact, our middle child, Elliott began attending there this year as well.

The school is absolutely one of the best things to happen to my kids. The staff is very capable and highly trained. Summit Academy specializing in educating children on the Autism Spectrum, as well as those struggling with things like ADHD. 

IEP meetings are quick and painless as well. I know how difficult those can be with other school systems. I think our last IEP meeting was done in less than 30 minutes. We never have to fight for anything. They do such a great job of providing for the needs of our kids.

I can honestly say, that we no longer dread parent teacher conferences either. In fact, we had conferences this afternoon. Typically, Lizze and I have to divide and conquer when it comes to things like this. Seeing how Emmett was in a bad place already, we decided it was best if I stayed home with him and Lizze go to conferences. While it isn’t easy for Lizze to get around much of the time, it’s better for her to handle the meeting and I handle Emmett.

I’m pleased and very proud to report that both Gavin and Elliott are doing very well. They are’t without their issues but the teachers are going to work through those issues with them.

I can’t tell you how comforting it is to be able to hear things like that. As a parent who has dealt very negative experiences in the past with other schools, I know what it’s like to go to meet the teacher and hear about everything your child is doing wrong. My heart goes out to those of you having to endure that. Hang in there.

If you’re in the Ohio area, Summit Academy has locations over much of Ohio. They are a great and affordable option. They also base everything at the schools around the martial arts. This is truly a beneficial thing as it teaches the kids, self-discipline, self-respect, control over ones body and build self-esteem. Our boys absolutely love this. Check out the video below of one of their martial arts promotions.

I can’t say enough about our experience with Summit Academy. I hope that if anyone is having issues with school that they give Summit Academy a look, I would highly recommend them.

1620 Market Avenue South, Canton, OH 44707
Phone: 330-458-0393
Fax: 330-458-0518

We no longer dread parent teacher conferences. 🙂

I hope this helps someone…

[youtube width=”720″ height=”480″][/youtube]

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I don't dread parent teacher conferences for any of my boys. Mostly because we keep such close touch with their teachers that we aren't surprised when conferences roll around. This doesn't occur with our youngest though since we are home schooling him.

Before this Spring, the teachers would quake in fear when they saw my wife and I coming. Mostly because we had to pull teeth, nails and hair to get things that they should have provided without a fight. In the case of our youngest, we are still fighting, but feel that his needs are better met with us through home school. Sadly, he is missing so much by not being in public school. He misses his friends, he misses interaction with other adults, he misses PE, music, and what not. But he doesn't miss getting assaulted on a regular basis, he doesn't miss being restrained, he doesn't miss being made to feel inferior to others. He doesn't miss being locked in a room by himself. He doesn't miss being threatened with intervention by the Sheriff Department.

Today he has a calm about him most of the time. He still is very hyper. We do school work when he is capable of sitting still long enough to do it. Rather than forcing the issue, we work around his needs. Regrettably, the school hasn't wanted to think about that possibility.

In time, hopefully we will be able to return him to public school. Until then I am satisfied that we can meet his needs. After all, my wife and I are both teachers. Albeit, I am used to teaching college students, this is a change for me.

This comment is longer than I had planned for it to be, so I will turn it into a post on my blog as well. Glad Lizzie was well enough to go to the conferences though. It is very important that the parents be involved in their child's education.

My most recent post