I’m a good parent because…..

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  • Post last modified:August 28, 2012

The other day we did the I feel guilty because……post and people really poured their hearts out. 

Today I wanted to change things up and help you realize all of the things that make you a great parent.  Sometimes it’s nice to hear out loud or I writing what you do so well.  There’s nothing wrong with bragging a little about what makes you a great parent.  🙂

So without further ado…..

I’m a good parent because…..

I’ll go first.

I’m a good parent because I love my kids more than anything in the world. 

I’m a good parent because I do my absolute best to help and provide for the every single need, even though I don’t always succeed.

I’m a good parent because gave up my career to become a stay at home dad.

I’m a good parent because I stuck around when so many others wouldn’t have.

It’s never easy to say nice things about yourself.  In truth,  at least for me,  it really feels weird. However, I think that it’s really important to do this every once in awhile in order to keep things in perspective. 

Please, please take a few minutes and write something positive about yourself and why you’re a good parent. 

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I’m a good parent because I sacrifice dignity for giving comfort and security.  I will sit on the pavement in the middle of town and cuddle my son as people walk by, if it helps him to carry on walking when he’s afraid of what’s ahead.  I will sing songs and talk in silly voices on the bus, if it keeps him distracted from where we’re going.  I will slip in the snow and land on my bottom if it means he can climb up the snow slope to join his NT friends.  I am prepared to do anything and everything – nothing else matters except getting him through the day and helping him to learn to cope.  And he is learning,thank God.  God bless all who post here.


Because I realize that the most important thing I could do each is to make sure they feel loved.  Not just tell them, not just support them, and not just take care of them, but actually make sure that they know it and feel it inside.


I'm so proud of all you folks for sharing so honestly….


I am a good parent because I never give up on my family, and I never stop looking for answers. I am a good parent because I do whatever I can to help other parents/relatives of those with autism get information they need to help their children.  It breaks my heart to see so many of our children sick or struggling with autism and no one reaching out to help them and us. 


I'm a good parent because I would do absolutely anything for my 2 sons. I go to all their appointments, all their meetings, stay over night in the hospital with them. I'm their biggest advocate. Who else should do this but their mother? I research and find the best solution. If my son didn't like his md, we'd try another & another. Until he & I both felt comfortable. I have lost many days from work. Now I'm self employed so I can make my own schedule. This way I can work and be there for the 2 people who mean so much to me.


I am a good parent because I stuck when everyone else was saying give up and accept.  
As a result, one of my girls with ASD is halfway through college in only 5 years in spite of being on chemo (7+ yrs), having ASD, PTSD, depression and a multitude of other diagnoses and initials.  
As a result my 2nd girl with learning disabilities, ASD, depressions, BPD, etc, is in 12th grade and will graduate with a modified diploma that will allow her to attend community college.  
As a result my oldest boy with ADHD, BPD, OCD and other issues, has his own place and has held the same job for 4 years.  
As a result my 2nd oldest boy with BPD, OCD, ODD, and depression is in college again after taking a year off to get his nerves together again.  
As a result, my youngest boy, with depression, ADHD, Tourettes, and SIB disorder, has collected himself together and is trying to recoup the ground he lost in school last year when he was sure school wasn't worth the effort because he planned to be dead before final exams.
 I am a good mom because they come first, but also because I know when to say NO to them, to refuse to carry them when they need to stand on their own two feet and work towards the next goal.
 I am a good mom because even in the midst of a chaotic life, I went back to school and completed 2 degrees in 5 years and showed them how important an education is for everyone.
 I am a good mom because I provide horses, chickens, chinchillas, cats, dogs, and ducks for them to bond with and to be responsible for the care of as a form of therapy even though it is a struggle to provide for all of them.
I'm a good mom because I can look back at my childhood as an aspie and see the mistakes my parents and try to avoid repeating them with my own children.
 Finally, I'm a good mom because I work at improving daily since I am not a good mom anywhere near all the time.


I am a good parent because i put my children's needs above my own and above alli am a good parent because no matter what the expense to me, my emotions, or my pocketbook, i am gong to do my best to provide for the NEEDS for my childI am a good parent because i love my family and my husband and i am providing for my children a great example of "happy family" so that they have positive role models and believe that is possible for themselves in the future.I am a good parent because i teach my children right from wrong and how to always try to be kind to others and to be honest, helpful and caring people.I am a good parent because when other people said "oh he's just shy" or "oh he's just quiet" or "oh he's just a picky eater" that i would not accept the "oh he's just….." until i got answers, even though the diagnosis hurt like hell, i knew it all along.I am a good parent because i will buy strawberries for my son even if they are $6.99 because it is the only single fruit he would eat, (this happened… and while another parent turned her nose at me and tied to give parenting advice of how to force/threat feed my child, i let her buy oranges that were on sale and spend the rest of her money on bingo if she wants…. but i was PROVIDING)I am a good parent because i provide a safe and constant living environment, my son thrives with routine and schedules, patience and repetition and i support him fully and keep things as routine as possibleI am a good parent, because even if i am not yelling at the world for change, i am standing up for MY SON and making sure that he, and others like him dont get left behind or left out or overlooked… this is still the hardest one on the list. but i will not let them pass him off, they may think i am over reacting and over protective, but i dont care.


I am a good parent because God gifted me with being able to understand their needs and how to help them. I love watching children experience the world. I am a good parent because I play with my kids. I like to do special things with them and for them. I am a good parent because I invest in each of my children daily. I am a good parent because I care about the kind of adult they will be and am not afraid to strenghten their character through consequences, discipline, and rewards. I am a good parent because I date my kiddos. I can't wait until the weather cools off so we can go to the park. I am a good parent because I teach my children skills like crochet, knitting, sewing and hand embroidery.I am a good parent because I try to live my life by example althought I fail often, miserably at some times, my children see that I am trying. I am a good parent because I show my children that marriage is hard but worth fighting for.


 @JenniferWhynott  YOU ARE a good parent 🙂 keep up the good work


I'm a good parent because I will do anything in my power to make sure my son gets the best care possible; medically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 
I'm a good parent because I make the hard choices that nobody wants to make. 
I'm a good parent because I put my children's needs before my own. Every. Single. Time.
I'm a good parent because I know when to cut the apron strings and let the bird fly from the nest, regardless of the fact that I know its wings aren't strong enough yet. 


@elizabethtaylor202 great job. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


 @elizabethtaylor202 YOU ARE a good parent and you are doing an awesome job. those apron strings are tough. my son is entering grade one in a few days. i will need some of that apron string stuff…. he is a big boy now and so amazing. but in being a good parent you are right you have to let them fly, but be there in case they fall.