Operation Hope: The last minute meeting 10/10/2012

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 10, 2012

We had a last minute appointment with wraparound this morning.  Our coordinator wanted us to meet with a family life specialist.  Forgive me is I got the title wrong.

Basically, her job is to provide support for our family.

Anyway, we met with her this morning and discussed everything that we we’re going through with Gavin.

We talked about our need for funding, in order to cover residential placement.  I’ll be really honest, I think we got off on the wrong foot.

She wanted to know if we had tried sensory processing therapy to treat Gavin’s reactive attachment disorder.  At this point I got defensive because I was like what does that have to do with reactive attachment disorder?

She told me that sensory integration was something that helps kids like Gavin.


I was like, I don’t understand how occupational therapy can be used to treat reactive attachment disorder.

I explained that we have been to some of the best doctors in the entire country and no one has ever suggested something like that.

If it was that easy, we would have already done that, years ago.

We ended up discussing everything that has already been done. As the conversation continued I realized that she was simply trying to help and had a reason for asking.  She wanted to make sure that we have truly exhausted our options because funding is extremely difficult to obtain.

The funding committee’s goal is to doeverything possible to keep the child safe and in the home.  Funding is possible when there are no other options, as is this case with us.

However, we have to prove that we have done everything possible.

According to Dr. Patti, Dr. Reynolds and the Cleveland Clinic, we have literally exhausted all of our options.  Even if we hadn’t, there is nothing that we can do for a child like Gavin, with reactive attachment disorder, inside the home. It’s just not possible.

She was explaining to us that we willneed to provide all the documentation to verify everything.  We are already in the process of doing just that.

As far as I’m concerned, the meeting went really well and I really like our new family life specialist. Again, I hope I didn’t butcher her title.

She treated us with respect and even thanked us for going through everything all over again for her.  I thanked her for all her help and told her I really appreciate her willingness to listen to what I had to say.

For me personally, it’s sometimes hard for me to bring new people into the mix because no one really believes what we have to tell them about Gavin, at least not right off the bat.

It often takes awhile before they see it for themselves.

That’s something that I find frustrating because we have been doing this for so long, that I often take offense to people when they question what we are telling them.

I fail to remember that not everyone out there is as resourceful as Lizze and I can be and aren’t aware of the many options that exist.  Lizze and I however,  are a bit different because we have left no stone unturned and Gavin isn’t exactly your typical difficult child.

It takes people some time to get to know us and for us to get to know them.

It all comes out in the wash, so to speak because we are who we say we are and have done what we say we have done.  We aren’t looking to dump Gavin off on someone, we truly want what’s best for him and unfortunately, that includes residential treatment.

I couldn’t ask for a better group ofpeople to work with than the ones we currently have helping us.

If you happen to read this, thank you so much for your help, compassion and patience.  We truly appreciate your time and effort.  🙂



Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I know that it is frustrating and hey if you can get him evaluated for sensory processing therapy I would do it ,leave no stone unturned (I know you guys haven't ) If this is the last hoop you have to jump through to get funding well ,how soon can you get an appointment,and document everything ,daily in a log,video every meltdown,write down every manipulation,see if you can video your appointments with the Dr,write down on a calender all the appointment that Gavin has had ,everything you have had to do for his schooling ,and what rules that you have to keep in your home in order for the boys to be safe with him . It is unfortunate that you have to go through so much ,but I have seen parents beg and plead for help and been told by social workers and judges Oh take your kid home and tragedies ensue .These people as well meaning as they are,first thought and objective is How do I keep this kid in the home . It is a money thing . So prove your case,without a doubt, seek out others that have got funding ,how did they do it ,what did take to make that case, Prayers and thoughts go with all of you,may this be worked out quickly for all your sakes, Hang in there,


Remember that you know what you're doing and why you're doing it. Explaining all of that is exhausting and annoying, but hopefully you are working with a team that understands *you* are the person who knows *your* child best.  All the i-dotting and t-crossing is just part of the game.  Hang on.  Regards, Leslie