I just realized that I don’t own dress clothes

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  • Post last modified:December 4, 2012

I need to get dress clothes for the memorial service. I just realized Lizze and I don‘t have anything to wear.

That goes to show how long it’s been since Lizze and I have gone anywhere.

We’ve not gone anywhere that required us to get dressed up for a very, very long time.  In fact, I believe the last time Lizze and I needed to dress up for anything was almost 5 years ago.  It’s honestly pretty sad.  🙁

I don‘t even know if I even remember how to do that. :'(

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I think it should look as if you made an effort.  There is a respect issue, both toward the departed one and toward the immediate family.  But that doesn’t mean black tie — that just means you made an effort.


This may sound very flip next to all these well put statements but the quote “those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind” seems a perfect fit here. It doesn’t matter what you wear, it matters what’s in your heart. Let them talk if they must, they clearly have no other outlet.


Think of it this way: if you were attending his birthday party would he look at you and say “Thank you for wearing that to my birthday!”  If so, then wear what he would want you to wear.  Because the memorial service is about her grandfather you wear what will honor him.  If you visited him wearing dress clothes, then that’s what you wear.  If you wore an Ohio State jersey with a beer hat and foam finger because you watched games together, then that’s what you wear.


I wholeheartedly agree with hudginsvicky.
Who cares what you are or are not wearing in these circumstances?  Your presence is what’s important.
When my grampa passed away, I just wore jeans and a plain shirt.  I was there for *him*, not anyone else, and I dressed like I typically do in the way he knew I always did.  As long as I was somewhat presentable, I didn’t care.  I had a few friends drop by in jeans and t-shirts and so what?  They came for me and to pay their respects and that’s what was important to me and what I remember to this day.  My friends kept me sanewhile I couldn’t stop crying, not what they were wearing.


@OnyxPanthyr that was extremely well said. I couldn’t agree more. I wish more people felt that way.


Before you hit the malls, check out the second hand stores. We have found alot of very nice clothes there for a fraction of the price.Lets face it, its Christmas and every penny counts, more now then ever. By the way I have sent a prayer up asking God to wrap his loving comforting arms around you, Lizzie and the entire family durring this difficult time. May you all feel his peace and love today and always.~~~hugs


@kathyakaNonnie that’s exactly what we did. Thank you so much for all the prayers.


Wear the best clothes you have and don’t give it another thought. If someone criticizes you then they’ve gone to the memorial for the wrong reasons — it’s not meant to be a fashion show.
I once was in the same position, for the funeral of a friend. I worried that everyone would be wearing nice suits and dresses, and I only had a pair of pants. When we arrived at the funeral I realized that although there were individuals all dressed up, the wife and children of the man who passed away, were wearing casual clothes (pants) just like me.


@hudginsvicky amen. I happen to agree with you. Not everyone else does. Personally, I think being yourself and being comfortable are just fine. I also believe that most people wouldn’t care what you were wearing or how you looked. They would be honored by your presence.