Child Protective Services: One week later

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 7, 2013

It was one week ago, almost to the minute, that Child Protective Services showed up on my front porch and informed me that my wife and I were under investigation. 

The allegations, leveled by a concerned citizen, alleged that my wife and I do not seek medical care for our three boys.  Furthermore, we don’t go to the followup appointments either.


On Monday, the investigators interviewed Lizze, myself and all three boys. 

They were very nice and accommodating to the boys needs.  This was basically the role we had to play at that point.   We signed all required releases and now it’s a waiting game.  We are waiting for our doctors to release records to verify that we do in fact take the boys to the doctors. 

The social worker explained that we won’t hear back from them this week.  Hopefully, she said, I will be able to contact you and let you know that the investigation has been closed, next week.

So at this point, that’s where we stand. 

We have to hurry up and wait.  There’s nothing more we can do at this point. We have cooperated fully with their investigation and now we have to wait for our doctors. 

This wait is excruciating. 

Hopefully, it will be done soon and we will be able to put this all behind us.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I pray that you and your family will get through this as soon as possible. Hard as it must be, I hope you can remember to trust God, and know that you’re doing the very best that you can. That’s what your family needs, and they love you for it.


I’m sorry you are going through this. CPS has supreme power and authority with no system for checks and balances. Once you are targeted by them, you are placed on a list for prospective visits even if the allegations are unfounded. I worked along side CPS as a CASA. I got to see first hand the ugliness and abuse of power they have. Parents with special needs children are targeted more. False complaints by other people or by the school system employees who are just sick of being held accountable for providing what your child needs. The worst part of the abuse of their power is the lack of understanding and support from other families who haven’t yet been targeted. I have been a victim of the abuses of CPS in my state. CPS even went one step further and produced a picture of another child to use as evidence that I had abused mine. I appealed their finding and provided dozens of pictures of my son and witness testimonies to prove the findings were not only erroronoius but down right criminal. The ALG took the side of CPS though stating that there is no way to know who the child is in the picture as it’s just of an eye and not a black eye picture like the allegations insisted. The system is slanted. I never believed that CPS really falsified documents and evidence until it happened to me. What it boils down to is if you are a fierce advocate for your special needs child, someone will take notice and you will be targeted. CPS is a bully and they fear nothing. They are immune from lawsuits and they don’t have to cooperate with police. I’ve spent 10k trying to clear my name and my case is now in the circuit court under judicial review. As a paralegal, parent of a special needs son and victim of CPS I tell parents to inform CPS that you have an attorney and will not talk to them without one. Tell the schools that your children are represented by an attorney and CPS is not allowed to talk to them without their attorney. I bet you’ll never hear from CPS ever again!


You are lucky that they didn’t just assume guilt and take the boys away.  I’m sure that the case will be closed as soon as possible after they check everything out. Our daughter has been having major meltdowns in public lately and it’s a great concern of mine that someone will think we are trying to kidnap her when we drag her out to the car!   So far people have been helpful but we are laying low until her behavior balance out again, hopefully soon!


I think that people who file false CPS reports should be punished. They should have to give their info to CPS when reporting. Anonymous reports should be taken less seriously.


If they said that they hope it will be “closed” by next week then their obvious assessment is that there is no basis to the allegations.  To close it by next week means they don’t think they will have to do anything else once they get the medical records.  I know it is still stressful to have them investigating but, it seems they will be out of your hair fairly quickly.


Since all you guys ever seem to be doing is following up on one thing or another for those boys you’ll soon have this resolved… but I have been in your shoes (more than once, all over my special needs daughter and people misinterpreting things or going on a power trip) and I know it can take years for the fear to go away, if it ever does.  My last visit from CPS was nearly 6 years ago and I still freak out if the house is too messy… just in case they show up.   *sighs*