Confused by the letter from Child Protective Services

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  • Post last modified:June 30, 2013

We got our letter today, notifying us that the case has been closed.  While that’s great news, I’m confused by what I read. 

When we were interviewed by the CPS worker, they told us that we were accused of not taking our kids to the doctors. That has been our understanding until reading this letter. 

This letter states that we were accused of emotional maltreatment and neglect

Color me confused………..

Maybe that’s a generic term for not taking your kids to the doctors? 

Either way, we’ve been cleared and I feel like our good name has been restored. I will say that I wouldn’t wish what we’ve been through on anyone.  Ours wasn’t even that bad compared to many other innocent families forced to submit to Child Protective Services because of a spite call.

Here’s the letter we received.  I redacted the investigators names, phone numbers and our home address.  The rest is there for you to see.  I did crop the page a bit to make it fit better.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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CPS likes to make stuff up as they go along.  
Also, just because the case is closed doesn’t mean a thing.  If there is ever another call, this will be used to demonstrate a “history with CPS.”


I hear ya.  Our stupid DCF case manager (who I had nothing but GLOWING things to say about last week, but who is clearly now out to get us) stated (incorrectly) that the initial complaint against us alleged that I was feeding my child “junk food”.  Ummmm, the fact that my child with Down syndrome and autism is eating ANYTHING is a miracle!  Yes, I feed him junk food because that’s all he’ll eat!  And frankly, we have bigger problems than what he’s eating.  Pick an issue–sensory, mental, medical–they’re all more critical than the fact that he subsides on nothing but baked potato chips, GF-CF Rice Krispies Treats, and PediaSure.  He’s got NO problems gaining weight (he’s tipping the scales at obese, although you’d never believe it by looking at him), but yeah DCF, let’s go there.  So frustrating.  I feel your pain!!!


Tammymcgann ya know, I wish people could see the big picture.  I’m sorry.  🙁

Christine Lyn Hostetler-Johnson

Yes, keep all documents of this; but I am glad you all can put this behind you now. {{{{HUGZ}}}}

Lost and Tired

Thanks everyone. I don’t know why the picture cross posted. He was check out by 2 different doctors and they swapped his mouth. It does look like thrush though. He goes back in on Monday and we’ll have him check again.
Thank you all. 🙂

Heather Sinclair

Keep all the documents from this CPS investigation.

Jessica Gauthier

Thrush would explain the pain and the fever too.

Kelly Gregg

looks like thrush on that tongue


eofkhasspoken thefuzzycabbage thank you both 🙂


It’s more than likely just a categorization. If they had taken you to court or filed the necessary paperwork, “not taking kids to the doctor” would go under the category of “neglect.”


This being a form letter, they probably just had to pick from a list of categories.  I would guess “not taking kids to the doctor” would fall under neglect and they probably only had “emotional maltreatment and neglect” on the list.  So glad the investigation is closed, it’s not like your family doesn’t deal with enough stress.  You’re in our prayers!