Do you love someone living in chronic pain?

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 2, 2013

My wife Lizze, is sleeping and has been for about 6 hours now.  I’ve been hanging out with the boys.  Lizze is in a great deal of pain today and there really isn’t anything she can do but try and sleep. 

Sleep is sometimes the only thing she can do to help cope with the burden she carries. 

Fibromyalgia is not anything to laugh at.  It’s like being covered in painful bruises that no one else can see.  I can’t imagine having to deal with this level of pain, every day of my life. 

On top of Fibromyalgia, she’s managing to live with a non-curable/treatable sleep disorder, chronic migraines (her current migraine has lasted for 2.5 years), arthritis, menopause (at age 32), PTSD and severe depression.

My heart breaks for her because she never see’s a reprieve from the pain and suffering she endures every single day.

The change in weather is really taking its toll on her and it’s not easy to see her like this, I can’t even begin to imagine living in her shoes, although I would trade places in a heartbeat. 

Do any of you love someone that lives with chronic pain?

Can you relate to any of this?


This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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KyahJ KyahJ, have you and your mother been tested for lyme disease? You guys have every single symptom. Docs often look at positive tests for lyme disease and say they are negative because they are “not the right band” that’s positive.


My oldest son who has lyme disease and autism suffers from stomach issues, back and other joint pains, fatigue, mood swings and many other things. At least twice a month or more he breaks out in lyme rashes, rages, anxiety, etc. It is absolutely awful and I wouldn’t wish it on any other child. He doesn’t have fibro, but it still sucks. I feel lucky, though. I have a friend who’s children have late stage lyme disease and one is in a wheelchair because he can no longer walk.

Lost and Tired

KyahJ my heart goes out to you and your mom.  I don’t know how Lizze does it and I have nothing but respect for you folks living in chronic pain.  I suffered a major back injury that resulted in my being in constant pain for the better part of ten years.  
I understand what pain is but fibro is a very different beast.  
Thank you for sharing.  I really appreciate it.  🙂


I have Fibromyalgia along with other chronic illnesses, just like Lizze. I have Congenital Hypothyroidism and my back is royally screwed up, to name two of them. I had migraines for 3 years as a teenager, but none since, thankfully. On top of all that, I have Aspergers and Sensory Processing Disorder.
My mother also has Fibromyalgia and other health issues. Currently she has to wear a big boot brace on her right foot due to problems with her metatarsals and possible stress fractures. It’s hard to see her in more pain than usual.