Surviving the change in routine after school let’s out for the summer

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2014

Last night was a rough one.  It’s like the boys have gone nuts the moment school let out for the summer. 

Poor Elliott is devastated because he misses all his friends and can’t stand the idea of not seeing them until the Fall.  Many tears have fallen since I picked him up from school yesterday.

Emmett on the other hand is firing off meltdown after meltdown because his whole routine has changed and he will have a new teacher next year.


I don’t think either of the boys really know what to do with themselves at this point. 

Our goal for the summer is to have as much fun as possible and to do some really cool first time things for the boys, like camping.  We want them to have an active summer and not spend it in front of the TV.

It’s likely to take a bit of time for them to adjust to the new routine of not going to school but I’ll do whatever I can to help ease the transition for them….

Last night was really challenging, especially in regards to Emmett. Bedtime was a truly nightmarish experience. That being said, the kids seem to be in a better place this morning and that makes me really, really, really happy. 

Are your kids experiencing any transition difficulties this summer? What have you done or will be doing to help them transition from school to summer break? What behaviors are you seeing right now as your kids adjust to their new routine?

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Brianna L.

you can try to make a play date with Elliot and Emmett’s friends so that way they can see them during the summer. Also see if a there are any public business that have activities for kids to do over the summer, usually there are some that are free.
I have the same problem with my 15 year old daughter. She doesn’t know how to deal with change in the routine and right now i am dealing with meltdown after meltdown with some tantrums thrown in between the meltdowns and as of right now i have to make a choice between keeping her home and trying to help her or have her admitted to the hospital because of her behavior that she is getting more violent in regards to her self and things around her because she doesn’t know how to handle the frustration.

Lost and Tired

I can totally relate to that. My oldest has been in the psych unit for violent behaviors and self-injury. We’ve done this a dozen times and it helped him at times and other times not so much.

Right now we are trying to find residential treatment….

Brianna L.

My daughter was suppose to be put into residential about 2 weeks ago but it didn’t go through fro what ever reason it was they gave, something about it is not the right placement for her. The problem with going to the hospital is i can take her to my local hospital but then will send her about 2 hours away. I had to send my two sons away with a neighbor today because she had them freaked out and they locked themselves in a room to get away from her.

Raynette Jones

i am sorry you are having such a hard time. my prayers are with you