Phenomenal Daddy-Daughter Bonding Activities For 2018

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  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 3, 2018

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Sometimes as a family, it can be really easy to settle into two groups, the boys, and the girls. This can work perfectly well most of the time too. However, it is a good idea to switch things up a bit now and again. Otherwise, both you and your little ones can end up missing out on some valuable experiences both regarding gender roles and developing that connection with their other parent. Something that is vital for a healthy family dynamic and building good relationships later on. With that in mind keep reading for some suggestions on what to do for those all-important daddy-daughter bonding days.


Theme park

Theme parks are a great choice for dads taking their daughters out for the day. In fact, you are usually winning from the start here, because they are places that the kids will have already heard about, and will be excited to go to.

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Obviously, the big player in this field is Disney, and if you can manage a trip there to see all the princesses, heroes and, magical characters you are definitely going to earn some serious daddy points. However, there are plenty of other medium and smaller sized theme parks all over the country that you can have equality a good a time in. Just check out this guide for some suggestions that are local to you.

Of course, it’s not just what you do but how you do it that counts, and that means you have to ensure that the visit and journey to the theme park are as enjoyable as possible. That means providing some entertainment in the car while you are traveling there such as games or DVDs.


It’s also important to listen to what the little ones want to do and not letting your own preferences take over. Yes, if you are a real speed lover it can be pretty gutting to have to let a ride on the roller coaster slide, in favor of the teacups. Just remember, though to bond and daughter and father is why you came in the first place.


Camping is another fabulous suggestion for a father-daughter bonding activity that you can try. Especially as it provides you with a chance to teach your daughter about surviving out in the wild and being prepared.

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In fact, you can do all sort of fun activities that also have a practical purpose like learning to put up a tent, cooking over a campfire, and even starting the fire itself. You can even show your little girl how to create a fire starter kit for any time that she is out in the wilds. Something that she is sure to find fascinating and could even save her life later on down the road.

Then there is all the fun you can have making smores, and telling creepy stories, as well as hiking in the day and seeing amazing wildlife and landscapes. In fact, do it right, and you could be encouraging a love for the great outdoors that could last a lifetime in your little ones.

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Now, I don’t think I would be stereotyping too much if I were to say that most guys don’t rate shopping as one their most enjoyed activities. Especially not if what they are shopping for is items that their young daughters would like.

However, it is definitely worth making an effort here, at least once in their lifetime to see what you are missing. Actually, it’s less about the actual shopping but more about dad taking an interest in the things his daughter finds fun.

So that means heading over the to the toy shop or taking her to look at those sparkly shoes if that is what she wants. Throw in lunch and a movie in the afternoon too, and you can really make a nice day of it. Something that will give you plenty of chance to talk and find out what is going in her life at the moment too.


DIY is one of the greatest ways to have some father-daughter bonding time, while also teaching them the value of self-sufficiency and skill that they can use throughout life.

Let’s face it DIY, and hobby stuff can be really fun too, especially if it concerns a task that hey would never usually get the change to do. That can mean even things that seem like a chore to you such as helping to tidy the yard, put up fencing, and repair your vehicle can be an exciting insight into the adult world that little girls often don’t get the chance to have.

Of course it all about how you frame it and you do need to stress the safety aspect, as well as the spending time together, issues to be successful here.

Also remember that creating something together as a hobby whether it’s a soapbox racer, a herb garden, or a swing set can be a fantastic excuse to spend extra time with your daughters. Something that isn’t only fun, but can allow you to create a schedule daddy-daughter time every week, and enables you to create something lasting and enjoyable as the end result.


There are plenty of sports that you and your little girl can have a go at together, including bowling, golf, and baseball at the batting cages. These make a fantastic activity for some father-daughter time as well, as you can help them learn the skills they need to improve their game while having some time in each other’s company just hanging out or talking.

Then once you have burnt off a few calories, it’s a great excuse to head out for some pizza afterward and further reinforce that father-daughter connection.

Princess tea party

Don’t write off a princess tea party! They can be serious fun!


Princess tea parties are the best whoever you are! Yes, you may feel a little silly wearing a tiara and lip gloss, but do you know what, even little kids understand and appreciate when you are making a special effort for them.

Even if they don’t quite get the full sacrifice now, just imagine how love they will feel when they look back on it. Then they will realize the time and energy you put into being a part of something special for them.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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