5 of the Most Valuable Things a Father Can Do for His Kids

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  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 15, 2021

Being a father changes your life. You’re no longer living just for yourself, nor are you living only for a spouse or partner. You need to dedicate yourself to raising your kids to make sure they grow into mature, responsible adults.

There are all kinds of things a father might do for his children, but some are more vital than others. Let’s go over a few of those now.

You Can Get a Life Insurance Policy

Getting a life insurance policy is one thing you can do for your family. Once you have kids, you need to think about what might happen if you’re no longer there to take care of them. You hope such an eventuality will never happen, but accidents and other unexpected events occur every day.

Would your family have the necessary financial resources to get along without you if the unthinkable happened? You can take steps to make sure they’ll have the money they need by getting a life insurance policy as soon as you can. They don’t usually cost all that much if you’re still relatively young and healthy, and you’ll breathe a lot easier knowing you have that in place.

You Can Avoid Excess Drug and Alcohol Consumption

Many humans have an innate desire to consume alcohol and other substances. It seems to be a part of our DNA since we’ve been creating and consuming intoxicants for centuries.

Even once you become a father, you don’t completely need to stop an alcohol or drug habit. However, you need to realize that if you act irresponsibly, you do your family a disservice.

If you consume too much alcohol and you can’t drive, you can’t pick your kids up from school. If you smoke a joint, you can’t drive to the grocery store to get dinner supplies.

You’ll need to regulate your drug or alcohol use much more carefully if you know you have kids relying on you. They’ll also see if you’re acting differently, and you probably want to avoid telling them about your behavioral changes. Some fathers decide to give up intoxicants entirely when they have kids, and that’s certainly a noble thing to do.

You Can Keep a Steady Job

As a father, you have additional dependents, and if you lose your job, you know you’ll have hungry mouths waiting for you at home. Because of this, you might keep a position you don’t like if you know you and your family need the money.

Fathers have saintly patience sometimes at work, even if you don’t much like the job you’re doing. 

That’s because you know if the work frustrates you and you quit, you will disappoint your family.

Your young children might not necessarily appreciate what you do for them, but this is a vital part of being an adult. You’re providing for your family and putting their wants and needs before your own.

You Can Pass on What You Know

As you become an adult, you gain life experience. You know what your parents and other relatives taught you, but also what you’ve learned during your time here on Earth.

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You can pass your knowledge on to your children, and they’ll appreciate that. You’re imparting what you know. Whether that’s teaching your son how to shave, teaching your daughter your famous curveball, or passing on the family lasagna recipe, you’re helping to shape the people your kids will grow up to be. That’s a tremendous responsibility and not one you should take lightly.

You can also pass on habits that will encourage them to be independent if and when they leave home and become independent. Working hard to establish habits that will benefit them in the body and mind is vital, but also something that some parents take for granted. 

While you might have a reminder to book doctor or dental appointments at places like Bright Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for the whole family, or know the benefit of putting vegetables in your meals, your kids don’t. They might expect it to happen, and if you don’t share with them how and why, they can feel lost, uncertain, and lack confidence. The more you share with them, the more capable they will be of looking after themselves

You Can Give Your Time

If you’ve worked a long shift, and all you’re ready to do is come home and collapse, you might realize when you walk in the door that you promised your child you’d throw the football around with them before bed. You might feel nearly dead on your feet, but you still spend time with them because you know how much they love you.

As a parent, giving your time and love is just as vital as the money you make and the lessons you impart. Even if you’re not wealthy, you can let your child know that you love them. Children that grow up feeling loved will never lack anything, even if you can’t always give them lavish vacations or the newest, high-end sneakers that just came out.

If you let being a dad shape your life, you’ll find that you get out of it just as much as you put in.

This is contributed post and therefore may  not reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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