I was on the Just Two Dad’s Podcast today and you can watch the interview right here

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  • Post last modified:June 8, 2022

Before I get into the interview, I wanted to just do a quick update since it’s been a few days.

I woke up this morning feeling completely exhausted. I feel like I slept well but at the same time, I feel like I didn’t. I was supposed to drive Elliott to work at 7:30 am but I woke up to a call letting me know that my Dad has COVID and both boys have been exposed. Elliott works for my Dad so work was cancelled for obvious reasons.

I fully intended to go to the gym but I ended up going back to bed until I had to get up and get some work done.

I just had a couple meetings this afternoon and I managed to stay awake for both. I wanted to share the first one because I was interviewed on the Just Two Dad’s Podcast. I met Brian and Shawn this year and absolutely love what they’re doing. They were kind enough to invite me on to have a conversation, and the episode is embedded below.

A weekly conversation with two dads, Shawn Francis (@iamshawnfrancis) and Brian Altounian (@brianaltounian), about raising children with special needs.

The time went by really fast, I’d love to return and continue our conversation in the future. We are going to set up a time for them to be guests on my podcast. I’m excited about that. I’ll keep you posted.

I was really nervous about my last meeting with a long time partner, because I thought we might be parting ways. Instead, it actually went really well. I’m getting access to tools I’ve been trying to get for several years now, and I’m kinda excited to see what I can do with them.

I’m still trying to work on getting Gavin situated in his life. He’s emotionally struggling because he’s looking for a purpose and I’m not doing the best job helping him find it. I need to refocus my efforts in regards to Gavin, and make some progress. He absolutely deserves better from me, and I need to better rise to the occasion. It’s one of those things that are challenging to figure out, and being a single parent makes it even more challenging. I can do better. I know I can do better.

My sister works in this particular field and she’s going to help me figure this out.

Anyway, I made it through both meetings, and then crashed until after dinner. I don’t know why I’m so tired, but I just am. Hopefully, I’ll feel better in the morning. I definitely want to hit the gym and get everything done I need to get done. I’m doing an episode tomorrow all about IEP’s and I think that will be super helpful for parents. I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting to do. I just need some sleep and maybe I’ll feel less burned out in the morning.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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