Feeding our marriage

Lizze and I had a nice night. We went and saw the new Spider-Man Homecoming movie, and it was awesome.  I can't remember the last time we spontaneously went to a movie, let alone a super late showing like tonight. It felt good to be able to do that. It's important that Lizze and I get time to feel like a couple.  Things like this help to keep our relationship strong, and our sanity intact. Being Autism parents is really stressful, especially when it comes to maintaining a marriage. It's really important to focus on our relationship, because that helps us to be better parents. 


Guess who lost another tooth?

I forgot to tell you folks that Elliott lost another tooth the other day. He's missing his two front teeth and now two on the bottom. 😁 He's been handling this really well. He normally panics at the sight of blood but he pulled the tooth out when it was ready, all by himself. 👍