Waiting: Is it chicken pox?

We are at the Dr.H's office to find out whether or not this is chicken pox. As it turns out, Elliott was due for his 2nd chicken pox vaccine in…

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A new journey begins

Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis For those of you that have been following our story for a little while, you are already aware of the situation with Emmett…

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We have arrived 6/27/2011

We just arrived at NCMF with Elliott and Emmett for the respective appointments. We will be here a while and have bloodwork and vaccines to look forward to.  I have…

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If vaccines cause Autism…..

If vaccines cause Autism then why do kids never vaccinated develop Autism. If vaccines cause Autism then why to kids in 3rd world vaccine-less countries develop Autism. I respect everyone's…

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