Autism, Vaccines and Immune Deficiency

Autism, Vaccines and Immune Deficiency First of all, let me go on the record as stating that I am NOT all. However, something occurred to me this morning and…

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Emmett and the vaccine debate

Today Emmett was due for 3 vaccines, MMR, Hep A and something else...can't remember. While I'm pro-vaccines I still like to talk to the doctor about them before they are…

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This year’s flu shots are gonna suck

Every year our boys get their flu shots. I know some people don't agree with that but it's our choice.  Typically,  the boys received the nasomist instead of the actual…

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Not looking forward to today….

We have to get Elliott of to school as usual. Shortly after that Gavin has his 11 year appointment at the pediatrician. The kicker is that he's getting shots, at…

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11 years old….

With everything that has gone on since Gavin's 11th birthday in January his 11 year check up has pushed back. He's at the doctors all the time so it's really…

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