Absolutely Nothing Today

We've had a somewhat of a lowkey day. Everyone slept in and I'm grateful for that because I struggled with restless leg until about 4 AM. There's absolutely nothing on…

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I f*cking kicked ass today

The boys spent some time visiting their mom and grandparents today. While they were gone, I had intended to do nothing but work on the house. Unfortunately, my sleep has…

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The good news and the bad news

The day has been long and frustrating. First, I want to share some good news. I really want to refocus on finding the silver lining in each day. Gavin did…

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2019: The Good, Bad and Ugly

When I look back on 2019, there's a great deal of pain and loss. Some of this loss was sort of expected, like the deaths of my grandparents. Some of…

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The struggle is real

In the good news department, everyone slept in their own beds, and did so through the night. That means I actually slept pretty well myself. Progress is progress and this…

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