Look what we found

So the boys and I were able to get out for a little bit last night. We went for a walk at a remote location about 20 minutes from home. We did see other people but were able to avoid them. The boys needed the time and while we were out, we found a few painted rocks along the way. Everyone found one except Gavin because he wasn't looking for any. Instead, he just listened to music and enjoyed the short walk. I'm not sure we'll be able to get out again this week but I'm glad we were able to last night.


My little victory over #depression and a gentle reminder to all of you

First of all, I really appreciate all the love and support. We're all in this together and I sometimes forget that. Thank you for the many reminders. ☺ I wanted to share a bit more about something I alluded to in the previous post (see here). Yesterday, Elliott did his daily can we go walking Dad. I wish I could take them whenever they wanted me to but the truth is, I honestly don't feel it's always safe. There are also times when I simply lack the motivation and energy. That's usually due complications related to my ongoing war with depression. Without fail, Elliott asked me to take them all to Quail Hollow, a park within driving distance from our house. It's one of our favorite places to visit during…