Something stinks here :(

I meant to share this last night but it just never happened. I was up all night building this brand new site from scratch. It must have been about 3am when I finally called it quits and went to let Maggie outside before I dragged myself to bed. In hindsight, I'm actually really lucky that things played out the way they did because this could have been much worse. As I was opening the front door, I saw this huge skunk walking across my front steps. Thank God Maggie wasn't paying attention or she would have busted through the front door and chased it. As it turns out, I think the damn thing is living under our porch because I watched it go down my front steps and then squish…


Welcome to The #Autism Dad Blog

There comes a time in everyone's journey, that a fork in the road is reached. When that time comes, a decision is often required before you're able to continue moving forward.    I've realized that Lost and Tired has reached that fork in the road.  There were a number of reasons I've found myself here but there's only a few that really matter.  For those following Lost and Tired, you're likely aware that the issues with Facebook essentially crippled the site.  While this wasn't the only reason for moving on, it was a catalyst.   When I began Lost and Tired over 6 years ago now, it was at a time in my life where I felt completely lost and without a direction to go in. It was fitting and something…