Where I live in Ohio there is little to no autism awareness. Nothing was done or even mentioned for autism awareness month. There really isn’t anything dedicated to autism at all. How do I fix that. We do have a charter school. Gavin goes there and it’s amazing. There are no fundraisers or billboards. Autism needs everyone’s attention and everyone’s support.
Does anyone have any ideas? Aside from sharing our story with as many people as possible, I don’t really know what to do. I know there are more families out there like us but there is no communication. Do I form a support group or maybe an advocacy group? We have neither here. I know I would like to set up some type a local network providing people with resources and connections.
I feel so strongly that something needs to be done. I just don’t know what.
Any ideas?
Some ideas on the subject, though I don't know how many are feasible (don't know your area). I teach at a similar type of school (non public private, most restrictive environment for our county), so we of course made our own website. We host monthly support group meetings for general public, parents, etc…….information on our website. Then, our website is linked to other sites such as the LDA, Regional Center, and pretty much any other disability based resource website. Just the beginning steps to getting the info out there, and can be time consuming finding everywhere you can cross reference a school website (and often, such sites have links to local resources such as support groups, advocacy, etc ). There's also sites such as meetup.com where you could post information if you were going the direction of hosting a support group. And last but not least, there's that mega monster facebook (which of course can also be linked to twitter). Utilize your wife's column to spread the word (or for to find out if maybe there are other parents out there who would be interested in hosting a group, have the skills/access to help start up such a venture). I would just start at the grass roots level, and get as much "linkage" about your area and topic as possible, and much like your blog, with time it should be well known.