Crisis: A review of the Cleveland Clinic Part 2

Finally got a new article up. This will begin my review of our Cleveland Clinic experience. “Crisis: A review of the Cleveland Clinic Part 2“ As always, every time you subscribe to or even click to view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.


Autism and the “blended” family

Autism affects all families it touches. Blended families are especially affected. As you know I adopted Gavin he is not mu biological son. I want to be very clear that I'm not necessarily proud of how I feel but it is my reality so here it goes. Right now I am having a really hard time with Gavin because he is having such a negative impact on his younger brothers. I know it's not always his fault but it impacts regardless of intentions. I have given Gavin the last 10 years of my life and now it has become apparent that the 2 youngest desperately need a reprieve from all of this. That will never happen with Gavin struggling the way he is right now. Go ahead and get out…

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A huge Thank You….

Please accept my sincerest Thank You to everyone who subscribed to my Examiner page. I now have 54 subscribers. My goal was to get 50 prior to my birthday on Aug 24th. You guys are the best. Thank you for your support. If you haven't already subscribed you can do it for free. Please check out the "stickied" post at the top of this page for information on how to do that. I want to say a special Thank you to Deb and Marc as well as Stuart and his family for their help and support. Thanks again.

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Breaking Point

I think we are reaching the breaking point with Gavin. I don't know that there is any way to stabilize the rest of the family with him here in the condition he is in. I'm not saying that it's his fault as I clearly know it's not but there is an element of choice in much of what he does. I think the unpleasant truth is that he has no ability left for higher functioning. I think he is functioning on the most basic level and for him that's about 3 years old. He is basically a giant 3 year old right now. The problem is that he is rocking the boat way to much and we are taking on more water then we can pump out. Our family, our…


Day 3: Trouble in paradise

After today Lizze and I are discussing whether or not to take Gavin to Akron Children's for the psych hold he should have had at the Cleveland Clinic.  Gavin is a complete disaster right now. He is so emotionally unstable right now he is actually worse then he was before the Cleveland Clinic. The reason for that is now is has been unmedicated for a week. I don't know how to help him. He is completely miserable. Right now we are having to watch him extremely closely so he doesn't hurt himself or someone else. We are debating taking him to Akron Children's Hospital for an actual psych hold. Since he is medically stable we now have to look at psychological stability.

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The need to feel “Normal” : An Honesty Post

I have been doing the special needs parenting thing for almost 10 years now.  One thing I have learned is that most of my life is out of my control. No matter how much I desperately want to help my wife and kids I can't make anything better. I pray every night and ask God to please remove these burdens they are forced to carry and give them to me. Every morning I wake up to the fact that either he's not listening or what I ask for simply isn't possible. As a father and husband I feel (admittidly unrealistically) that I should be able to make things better for them. The fact that I can't fix this eats me alive inside. As I sit here writing this Gavin is walking into…


Day 2: Medication begins

So if you see my mind running around please let me know because I've lost it. This is not going to be a fun part of our journey. Gavin is back on the Lithium but is still very manic right now. He doesn't stop talking about pointless things. I don't mean that in a bad way but he feels he has to tell us EVERY SINGLE thought that runs through his head. He has also lost a ton of motor control so he is falling over and walking into things (like walls). As frustrating as it is for me I cannot imagine how frustrating it is for him. Everyone has paid a very high price this past week. Gavin is literally in emotional pieces. He is completely lost right now.…

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