Autism and pain threshold

One of the things that drive me crazy with Gavin his how he handles pain. Gavin will beat himself (literally) and not complain but then pitch a fit over the tiniest injury. For example yesterday he came down stairs freaking out because "I bumped my thumb on my action figures head". He wasn't hurt but was freaking out. If he thinks he hurt himself, say his finger for example, he will squeeze his fingure until it's bruised in an attempt to make it bleed. Then when it eventually bleeds or just bruises he meltsdown. I just don't get it. Today alone I have lost track of all the "injuries" he came to show me. The biggest problem aside from annoyance it the example being set. Now Elliott is doing similar…


How does your Aspergers child see you?

So Elliott and I were drawing the other day. Things like fruit and cereal bowls. Then Elliott out of nowhere draws this picture. When he shows it to me he's so proud of himself. Through his giant, proud smile he explains "Daddy this is a picture of you sitting on the toilet". Where the heck did that come from? He just kills me sometimes...but seriously we are going to have to have a talk with him about this. I mean really, my arms are totally out of proportion and my heads on backwards.. ;-) And for the record we value our privacy in this house so I have no idea where this came from....Just thought it was cute..and I said I would share, good, bad or even slightly disturbing... :-)


More bad news…

Lizze went to get an ultrasound on Tues to see what is causing the pain and cramping she has been experiencing. We learned she needs to have a partial hysterectomy. For some unknown reason after Emmett was born her uterus was damaged and became heart shaped. She experiences a lot of pain as a result. Dr. D doesn't know how this happened. Even if she hadn't already had a tubal she wouldn't be earlier this year she would be unable to have anymore children.  We were not expecting this at all and really are still kind of in shock. We knew she had some cysts (which are pretty common) and thought that was the cause of the pain but it isn't. This is a major (but very common) surgery so there is…


Emmett’s and the Geneticist

Emmett was seen by the Geneticist this morning. The are testing him for everything. Their primary concern seems to be Fragile X. That seems to be the current theme for us as of late. They were explaining to us how rare our situation is. He said the reason they want the genetic workup is because of how uncommon all this is.  We should have the results prior to Christmas. All in all it was a productive visit. On the way up I told Lizze that when they ask if Lizze and I are brother and sister I was going to tell them yes. I though it would be funny but she made me promise not to. To me it seems like a ridiculous question that deserves a ridiculous answer but I guess…

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Resentment,Grief and Guilt (A very honest post)

I want to talk about a very personal situation and share my feelings on this particular subject. Most of my posts revolve around Gavin, my 11 year old son. Honestly, that's because Gavin's behaviors are one of my single biggest source of stress. Please, notice I said "Gavin's behaviors" and not "Gavin".  Gavin is a very unique and very complicated person. I want to be very honest about my feelings in this post in order to give the world a better understanding of what our lives are like. I also want people to understand that it's okay to feel the way you feel. Raising a child on the spectrum is no easy task, but in the end, is totally worth while. Gavin came into my life when he was about…