How to Recognize Signs of Stress and Anxiety in Your Child

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes their mental well-being. In today's world, children face numerous challenges that can lead to stress and anxiety. Recent studies indicate that up to 20.5% of children worldwide experienced anxiety symptoms during the pandemic, nearly doubling pre-pandemic rates.  It's crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety in your child so that you can provide them with the support they need. Recognizing Behavioral Signs of Stress and Anxiety One of the first things to look out for when it comes to stress and anxiety in your child is changes in their behavior. It is reported that behavioral problems, which can be indicators of underlying stress and anxiety, affected about 9.2% of children in…

Read more about the article Guy Talk: Communicating About Men’s Health Issues
Photo by Dominika Roseclay on

Guy Talk: Communicating About Men’s Health Issues

Talking about health, especially men’s health, has always been a bit of a taboo. But why should it be? It’s time to change the narrative and bring these crucial conversations into the spotlight. Your health is your wealth, as the saying goes, and for men, being informed and open about health issues is not just smart; it’s essential. Whether it’s discussing mental wellbeing or understanding the nuances of physical health, it’s important to create a space where these topics are no longer brushed under the carpet. Men’s health is a broad canvas painted with various issues that are often unique or more prevalent in men. From mental health to heart disease, and yes, even hair loss, it’s crucial to understand these issues not just in isolation but as part of…

Read more about the article Selfcare is important and I forgot how relaxing this is for me

Selfcare is important and I forgot how relaxing this is for me

It's been a relatively quiet Saturday night here in The Autism Dad household. We've been binge-watching Stargate SG1 on Netflix and slowly working on the house. I didn't get nearly as much accomplished as I was hoping to because I've been dealing with a bad headache since we went to lunch. We're going to spend a good chunk of tomorrow tackling things around the house. There's a ton of laundry to get caught up on and there's part of me that wants to haul it all to the laundry mat so I can get it all done at once. It's a nice idea but it's never gonna happen. LOL I'm trying to reorganize my bedroom because it's driving me crazy. I managed to get my laundry sorted and some things…

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Checking some car related things off my to do list

I will totally own the fact that I'm super weird. Maybe it's more of a guy thing and not so weird. Anyway, typically, I  really enjoyed taking care of my new car. I've only had it for less than 2 years but I found washing and waxing it to be incredibly relaxing for me. I want to take care of it because I've got a lot of money wrapped up into it. I also want my kids to know that it's important that we take care of what we have. I think modeling that for them is important. As a single parent, trying to get my kids through everything that's been going on in the world around us, and the fact that the car had to be repainted, I got…


10 Ways to Improve Your B2B Marketing Strategies

If you’d like to reach out to the right businesses and boost your conversion rate, you need to optimize your B2B marketing strategies. There are several ways in which you can do this and plenty of tools available to help you. You could also enlist the help of a digital marketing agency to gain a new perspective and discover why your marketing campaigns may not be performing as they should. This way you can ensure you invest in the right areas to get the message across to your target niche. Here are ten ways to improve your B2B marketing strategies. Seek professional insights pexels If your B2B marketing campaigns aren’t performing as well as you planned it might be a good idea to enlist the help of one of the…


Tips for apartment hunting special needs families

Special needs parents generally have a tremendous amount of responsibility on their plates at any given time. I've experienced a great deal of things over my two decades as a special needs parent and I try to share some of that here. People ask me questions all the time and sometimes those questions are such that I think it's worth writing a post about it. This particular question was in regards to house or apartment hunting when you have a special needs child. They specified the New York area and were specifically interested in locating an apartment. The concern was how to find something that met their unique needs as a growing special needs family, as well as what they should include in their thought process. I was thinking about…


#Autism Parents: 4 Tips for Moving Somewhere Where You Don’t Know Anyone

I've talked about wanting to move for years. We need a bigger house and I'd like to be a bit farther away from the city, but there are so many things to consider before moving, especially when you have children with a diverse set of needs. Over the years I've talked to so many parents who found themselves in a position where moving was necessary but didn't know anyone at their new location. That can be scary and overwheming to say the least. You might be asking yourself, why would someone move to a place where they don't know anyone? The reality is that sometimes families have to move in order to locate services that their child needs. I've been asked many times for advice on how to handle situations…


The power of self-care

Guys, I'm feeling really good. I've been hitting the gym almost every morning and I'm so proud of myself for sticking to it. I thought it was going to be hard to get back into it after suffering a major back injury and stepping away for so long. Turns out I was hooked after my first time back. It's kinda like riding a bike. I do have an amazing workout partner and that certainly helps to be able to both support and encourage each other. It's pretty awesome actually. This morning I ended up working out alone but I still showed up and still gave it my all. I'm not gonna lie, I feel pretty fucking amazing and I'm finding myself becoming more comfortable in my own skin. I've come…