What do you do for yourself?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 18, 2012

We all know how time consuming parenting can be but even more so with special needs parenting.

Raising a child on the #Autism also requires a great deal of sacrifice as well.

It’s easy to lose oneself in our day to day lives. Having said that,  I was wondering if there was at least one thing you do for yourself?

Personally,  I enjoy walking in the evening.  It doesn’t always happen but I try to do that for myself as often as possible. I also enjoy playing video games on occasion. 

I think that’s it’s important to have something that you do for yourself. Life can be very stressful but taking time to do something for yourself, can help you better cope.

So,  my question is,  what if anything do you do for yourself? If you don’t do something for yourself, is there something that you would like to start doing for yourself?

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Nothing beats a good pedicure. Except perhaps a pedicure with a perfect cup of tea, and a nail artist who already knows that you have Psoriasis, that it's NOT contagious, and they can't get leprosy from touching your skin?


I love to write and the only way I can do that is to get out of the house.  When I am home, I only see what needs to get done.  I also struggle with chronic fatigue and pain from firbro and lyme disease, so I never get everything done at home that I need to.  I try to go to a coffee shop or cafe, grab some tea and spend time reading and writing.  I can only do this during the school year.  I try to fit it in once a week if I can.


@kgar what a great idea. I've been known to write as well. I only get that done from my phone.


Trying to tame my hyper-focus on whatever the issue of the moment may be is really something very hard for me, but something I'm working on.  I have found being a special needs parent, it is often hard for me to get out of fifth gear.  I have a lot of passions and interests (some actually include helping others in the special needs community).  With me, working some sort of strenuous activity in to my daily routine that includes a lot of movement and some loud music is probably my best "calming" activity.  Justifying that time is a whole other battle I'm consistently waging.


@Holly I do the loud music as well. 🙂


I have a small computer addiction and when life gets tough I check out with computer games. It is awful. We also get to leave our children with sitters on saturday nights for small group (a marriage bible study), and sunday we attend church while the kids go to their own sunday school, and then on friday nights I attend celebrate recovery which is a christian recovery program. My kids are with caring providers and I get to work on my anger and control issues. My hubby and I try to get out with our friends at least once a month as well. This school year has been nice because all 4 of my kiddos are in school so I get 3.5 hours 4 days a week to listen to loud music, clean, and destress


@JenniferWhynott that's awesome. Thanks for sharing… 🙂


I get out when my family obligations and health allow me to and hike.  Nothing calms me down more than nature and nature photography.  Dealing with the challenging situation of my son's autism and my MS makes is difficult though.


@ca276 thank you for starting things off. I love hiking as well. My wife battles chronic pain but loves walking at the park and taking pictures. Thanks for sharing 🙂