Has anyone asked you how you’re feeling today?

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  • Post comments:18 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 9, 2013

In real life, I hardly ever get asked how I’m doing.  It really kinda sucks to be honest. Perhaps people are afraid to ask or they just don’t want to hear what will likely be depressing for them. 
I think that everyone should be asked how they’re feeling.

So I’m asking you right now.  How are you feeling today? Has it been a rough day for you or is everything going pretty good? I can handle it and trust me, I understand.  In fact, I bet most of my readers will understand as well. 

The picture below sums up how I’m feeling right now….


This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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reonyea Lost and Tired  rjones22 sounds like you have it going on. I have a good feeling abou it.

Lost and Tired

reonyea Lost and Tired  rjones22 awesome.  I’ll eat some junk food in your honor tonight.  🙂


Lost and Tired  rjones22 Had the interview today, passed the first interview and then had the second interview straight away! Had to do a few tests – proofreading, writing a blog article, and outlining a content marketing 3 month plan for a particular company – and I should find out by early next week 🙂

Lost and Tired

reonyea rjones22 good luck and let us know how it goes.  🙂


rjones22 reonyea I will do 🙂 I’ll be applying for Jobseekers Allowance (British unemployment) and housing benefit on the Monday, hopefully they’ll get their act together faster than last time, took them four weeks.


reonyea rjones22 Please let me know how your interview goes and be sure to file for your unemployment on the Monday after the Friday that your job ends. I am sure you will have a great interview on Thursday and will hopefully get the job you want. Even if they say yes and you start in two weeks that would be two weeks of unemployment money that is yours and not a hand out. Great Luck To You!


rjones22 Thanks for your encouragement 🙂 I haven’t actually been looking that long, it’s just that I’ve only had this job a year and I absolutely love it, and then I got made redundant again. I’m still working out my notice, which ends on Friday, and I know what I want to do with my career now, I just need the job to make it happen.
I do have an interview on Thursday though, so fingers crossed!


reonyea Keep on looking. I had the great great blessing of finally finding a job. Me and my other job “parted ways” on August 2nd and I applied for so many jobs, went to so many interviews, 2nd interviews etc and finally was blessed with a career that started on November 4th. All my life it has never taken me that long to find a job. I was looking in the mirror at myself to see if it was me, I looked at my resume, i couldnt find a recruiter to tell me what my problem was. Long story short I was getting turned down so much because I was applying so much. the more you apply of course you are going to get turned down more. I am glad my friend told me that because it made sense. I was so sick of applying, i was so sick of interviewing it was driving me crazy. I will pray for you that your next job is your last job which will be a “career”. It is exhausting and demoralizing but everyday, be on the internet, make the calls, do the emails, take the career tests they want you to take and eventually it will come thru. I really believe that. Great Luck to you


I have a headache and I’m tired of applying for jobs 🙁
Thanks for asking!

Lost and Tired

Lena Finley you’re not complaining. Sometimes you just have to vent. It’s part of being human. You are ALWAYS welcome to vent on any of my sites.

Lena Finley

I don’t like to complain. I just feel overwhelmed by lots of things. I do all the parenting and when you suffer from depression it’s exhausting.

Lost and Tired

Lena Finley what’s going on? We all are here to listen.

Lena Finley

I’m pretty down right now. I appreciate you asking

Lost and Tired

Lena Finley So how are you?

Lost and Tired

Jennifer Whynott sooooo not good then?

Jennifer Whynott

my husband woke me up while he was getting ready for work this morning and then as I tried to fake sleeping my cat came and peed on me!

Lena Finley

Nobody ever usually asks how I am.


You asked! I have felt good today. I also ate 6 krispy creme donuts in one sitting. Be sure to tell Lizzie she will love that. But now (keep in mind I am in Alabama and we were raised and raise our kids as alabama football fans) the alabama lsu game is on and i cant watch it because lsu was up 3 to nothing now thank God (for real) we are up 10 to something. keep in mind that i didnt want to watch the game i just want to win, then my kids tv was up where i could here it so i shut the door then he came to tell me something great that happened so we are up in the game right now. i dont like the announcers because they dont sound like they want alabama to lose (probably just me thinking that). Hopefully we are about to score again so i will wait and see. Something must be wrong with me lol