Please Help @Lost_and_Tired and the @MyAutismHelp Forums stay online in December

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  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 16, 2013

Please let me start out by saying Thank You for all the support that helped to keep both this site and the rapidly growing My Autism Help Forums online in November.

Without everyone’s help, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

Lost and Tired and the My Autism Help Forums have helped a lot of people this month and that’s so amazing.  I’ve been getting emails and messages on Facebook, thanking me for providing this medium for people to learn and express themselves.

I can’t tell you how good that makes me feel. 🙂

The My Autism Help Forums in particular, has been really growing.  We have over 250 members now and the site itself is ranked in the top 120,000 in the US. There are also some great conversations going on right now.

We underwent some changes, in order to streamline things and make them more user accessible. The My Autism Help app was upgraded to add new features and make it more user friendly as well.  The price for the premium app is still absolutely free and courtesy of Tapatalk.

Overall, we are growing by leaps and bounds.

Right now I’m working towards getting the costs covered, so we can stay on line through December 28th.

The fees are due on the November 28th. If they aren’t covered, the servers will go offline on November 29th. I will take the precautions of physically backing everything up, just in case we do go down.

I need your help, so I can continue to help everyone else.  I do not derive an income from what I do with these sites (aside from donations), so all expenses have to come out of pocket.  All donations received go directly toward maintaining the servers and various paid services that make these sites possible (unless otherwise specified by the donator).

Something I have done to help the site and the forums pay for themselves, is the implementation of ads.  These ads are clickable and can be found throughout both sites.  Revenue generated from these ads will hopefully be able to help with the costs of the sites but we’re nowhere near that at this point.

I know that many people are not in a position to donate directly to help cover the server costs and that’s totally okay, but there are several no cost ways that you can help.

How can you help: Links are included for your convenience.

1) You can donate directly, via the PayPal donation button located on both sites and also on the slide out panel of the My Autism Help app.  All donations go directly to cover server costs, unless the person donating specifically requests it to go elsewhere.

2) Remember that there are ads present within both sites.

3) One of the biggest ways you can help is by sharing my work via your favorite social media platforms.  Think Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. Sharing what you like with your family and friends can go a long way.

4) Help me gain Likes on the Lost and Tired and My Autism Help Facebook pages.  The more likes I have, the more potential people I can reach.  That equates to more traffic and increased ad revenue. This is a really, really good way to help.
5) If you haven’t joined the My Autism Help Forums yet, please do so and by all means, recommend it to your friends and family.

6) You could simply rate the My Autism Help app on the Google Play Store.  This helps a great deal as well.

7) I’m always looking for corporate sponsors or any sponsors that would like to help out in some way.  I’m always looking to do giveaways for my readers.  Put us in contact and I would love to speak with them and potentially work something out.

Seriously folks, I need your help and any one or more of the above methods will be a tremendous help.  I truly hate asking this because it’s my mission to help you and not the other way around.  That said, I have a very complicated special needs family myself and I can no longer afford to keep this up and running without your help, at least for the time being.

Just about anyone can be a huge help and it doesn’t have to cost you anything.

If you value or appreciate what I’m doing here, please help spread the word, so I can keep providing these free of charge services without interruption.

Thank you all so very much.  🙂

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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