Some major updates about my kids

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  • Post last modified:June 19, 2023

It’s been a little while since I’m written here. There have been a great many changes in my life and all of them very positive. I’m obviously still experiencing some writing burnout and I just don’t always have the bandwidth to put my thoughts into words like I used to.

That said, I’m really trying to push through that and get back into writing again because it is a healthy outlet for me. For the moment, I’m just glad to be writing this.

There have been so many changes over the last few months, some I’ll talk about and others, are going to remain private for now, but all are very positive.

Let’s start with Gavin.

Gavin has been working with a job coach to secure employment. We’ve been working on this all year and I have some really big news. Gavin had his very first interview recently. It went really well and he ended up getting hired. He’s going to be a stock clerk at a local grocery store.

Gavin learning to make buckeyes are day services

It’s been an emotional roller coaster. Gavin has been going to day services during the week, which is hugely positive, but it’s also a big change. He doesn’t always do well with change, even positive change. Starting day services and getting his first job is a lot of things to adjust to in a relatively short period of time. While he’s definitely excited, he’s also a little nervous and stressed out as well.

I’m really excited for him because he’s doing so well and he’s finally building his adult life. I’m not sure how this is going to look long term because it’s very new for him but it’s amazing to see him spreading his wings. This is just the beginning for him. The next step is independent living, whatever that looks like for him. There’s no rush for this because for it to work, he needs to be ready and have the supports in place. This is a process and it takes time. Progress is progress and he’s definitely making progress. I’m so proud of him.

Moving on…..

Elliott graduated high school and did so as a junior. Not only that, but he won multiple awards, including the schools highest honor, the Harbor Captain award, for outstanding leadership, both inside and outside the class room. Graduation was a mixed bag for him because he was very anxious about being around so many people and wanted to receive his diploma and then walk right out the door. Definitely glad he decided to stay cause the look on his face when he was called up for his awards was priceless.

He ended up doing great and while he won’t admit it, I think he had a good time.

Elliott is open to college but for the moment, he’s focused on working. He’s working with his grandpa’s painting company and really enjoys it. He worked with them last summer but now he’s there full time. He’s saving up for laptop so he can continue to pursue his passion for building and modifying video games.

He’s doing so well and I couldn’t be prouder.

Emmett did so incredibly well with school this year. He’s on track to potentially have enough credits to graduate next year but he’s going to go for as many college credits as he can while still in high school.

Mr. Emmett has really been coming into his own this past year. He’s making friends and was involved in several after school clubs during the school year. He’s baking up a storm and has become very interested in baking bread. OMG, the bread he bakes is so good. I’m avoiding carbs but he’s making it much harder for me to do that. lol

Emmett and I are getting a lot of extra time together this summer. He’s home during the day for the moment and we’re starting out each morning by going to the gym together. He’s getting more involved in the business and has a lot of good ideas. Everyone loves seeing and hearing from him during the live feeds.

We’re looking for some social activities for him to get involved in this summer as well. He’s doing so well and I couldn’t be prouder.

Life is getting better for all of us. It’s a process but progress is being made, each and every day. I’m going to leave things here for tonight and follow up with some updates to my personal journey in the next post.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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