Political Opinion: Which side of history will you be on?

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I’ve become much more political over the last year or so but I really try to keep politics confined to my Twitter feed and not here. I’m breaking that rule today because I truly believe that we as a country, are at a crossroads.

I’ve been a registered Republican for my entire adult life and have always voted that way because most of my beliefs aligned.

When Donald Trump became the Republican Candidate, things changed. I couldn’t stomach even thinking about voting for him and that doesn’t mean I thought Hillary was the perfect candidate either. I remember Benghazi.

The truth is, there are flaws in every candidate because no one’s perfect.

Since being elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump has been alienating us from the rest of the world. He’s consistently sided with hate groups, treated minorities in disgusting ways. Just look at the entire NFL debacle and Charlottesville tragedy. He won’t condemn the hate groups and puts them on the same level as the people protesting against them. He’s even made fun of a reporter with a disability.

Just yesterday, he retweeted three anti-muslim videos from known right-wing hate groups. This is beyond dangerous and irresponsible. Are we looking to spark religious violence because the gasoline is already been poured and things like this risk igniting everything.

He’s quick to label violent acts as terror, so long as the perpetrators are not white. Just look at the Las Vagas tragedy. How is that not an act of terror?

There is mounting evidence that there were ties between people within the Trump campaign and Russia. How many of the administrative staff have to be caught lying about their ties to Russia before we realize something’s not right.

There are countless tweets that insult other countries, their leaders, including our closest allies and even our own war heroes. He taunts North Korea until we’re on the brink of Nuclear War and continues to call Kim Jong-un Little Rocket Man. Seriously? North Korea is just looking for an excuse to attack us.

How are we okay with this?

Just the other day, he insulted Native Americans during an award ceremony, honoring Native American War heroes.

Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is a provable lie. He has labeled the free press Fake News because they hold him accountable and has even called them enemies of the state. It goes without saying that the media isn’t perfect and some are pretty bad (I’m looking at you Fox News and Breitbart) but labeling the entire free press Fake News is irresponsible and dangerous. We no longer recognize facts as facts.

Let’s not forget his long history of sexual assault, harassment, and mistreatment of women. He’s even caught on a hot mic describing in graphic detail what he does to women, admits it was him and apologizes for it but now is denying it was him or his voice.

Do we understand that the person sitting in the Oval Office is not right? This man and I use that term loosely because real men don’t say and do the things he does, has control over our nuclear arsenal? That should concern all of us. He’s already threatened North Korea with what amounts to nuclear war. Where does this end?

Is this the future you want for your kids?

We have to forget party loyalty and instead focus on right or wrong. I would be feeling the same way if a Democrat was in office, doing the same thing. There were plenty of things I didn’t agree with everything about Obama but he was nothing like this. It’s not about party anymore. It’s about the dignity, security of our country, as well as the future of our children.

Hate crimes in the US are up significantly since Donald Trump took office. People are afraid, simply because they are minorities or here illegally (DACA). Yes, I know immigration is a problem but we are better than this.

I could go on forever. I could mention James Comey or Trump’s attempts to interfere with and control the actions of the Justice Department.

Our country is divided. We must bridge these gaps and take a stand for what is right. This is not what our country stands for. This is not the future I want for my kids.

At this point, I don’t consider myself a Republican or Democrat. I consider myself a father and citizen of a country in governmental crisis.

If things continue to go this way, we’re in big trouble. What are you going to tell your kids that you did when our country needed its citizens to take a stand? Which side of history will you be standing on when all this comes to an end, one way or another?

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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