Getting my kids with #Autism to eat is so difficult

Lately, it's been more difficult than ever to get Emmett to eat or drink anything.  I really try to accommodate his needs but it's not easy or cheap.  This goes way beyond picky eating and is sensory related, not to be confused with a child being difficult. I did get Emmett to eat some sausage tonight and that's pretty much the bulk of what he's eaten today.  He had a granola bar earlier and I had to mix up some Gatorade, just to get him to drink something.  He was getting dehydrated and while Gatorade is full of sugar, it's something. I don't make a huge deal out of it because I don't want to pressure him and make it worse.  I can go grocery shopping in about a week…


My kids are talking in song today O_o

I feel like I'm in some crazy musical because Elliott and Emmett have decided to sing everything this morning.  They are talking to each other in song and while it's really cute right now,  I can see this getting really old, really fast.  😩 I have a feeling this is going to be a really interesting day...


Mr. Emmett was super clingy last night

Good morning all.  I had a horrible night's sleep as Mr. Emmett was super clingy last night.. On the bright side, I'm in a really good mood and even have a smidgen of motivation to get some things done around the house today.  Hope ya'll are having a good morning as well.  ☺


Confessions of an #Autism Dad: Taking Life Minute by Minute

Everyone has bad days. You couldn't have good days without the bad.  With that in mind, I'm trying to remember one bad day doesn't mean a bad life.  I'm going to be completely honest and tell you that's much easier said than done.. Right now I'm trying to cope with the soul crushing diagnosis that my oldest just received,  one that leaves me powerless and fearing the future. My two youngest are struggling in most areas of their life and it's absolutely heartbreaking.. I know that I'm truly doing everything I can for my kids.  I also know that I'm only one person, so in many ways I'm setup to fail.  I absolutely love my kids and I take on each day, hoping that what I'm able to do is…