Let’s get caught up

I spent some time word vomiting about myself in the last post and I want to do a more general update here. There's a lot going on and we should probably get caught up. The kids are getting back to school on the 19th and at this point, it seems like it will be in person. That's great news. I am however, concerned about the very real lack of a mask mandate. The delta variant is a serious threat and no one under the age of 12 is vaccinated. I see nothing good coming from this and I feel like it's highly unlikely that we will be able sustain in person learning. I'm hearing that children's hospitals are filling up with COVID cases. These are kids who cannot protect themselves…


How I recovered from a rough morning

My day started off a little rough. Nothing happened, I was just in a bit of a funk. I pushed myself to go workout and that helped. I remembered I hadn't eaten anything either. The workout was great and eating took care of the rest. Anyway, I bounced back and ended up having a fantastic day. Emmett went to my parents for the day and Elliott wanted to go back to Cuyahoga Valley National Park. We ended up going by ourselves and had a great time. Elliott and I don't get one on one time very often, so it was nice. I also just found out I will be childless Thursday and Friday. Really kinda excited about that. I don't have anything to do but the downtime is welcomed for…


We took the kids to Cuyahoga Valley National Park

I'm sorry that it's been a few days since I've posted anything, anywhere. Everything is going great and there's nothing wrong at all. I've been very preoccupied lately and kind of consumed by thoughts. I was trying to work through something in my head and it's been a process. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith. It's not easy to be vulnerable and can be incredibly scary but life is far too short to do otherwise. As I said, everything is great. I'm happy and my kids are happy. In fact, we recently took a day trip and it was such an amazing experience. I took Elliott and Emmett to Cuyahoga Valley National Park the other day. Gavin had other plans and opted not to go. He…


A leap of faith

I learned something important today and I wanted to share because maybe it can help someone else. It's actually tough to admit this stuff but you know, personal growth. Life is going well for me. I feel I can honestly say that. In the last couple of years, I've had a tremendous amount of shit happen that left me pretty banged up. At the end of the day, I got us through it. It's not perfect but I'm okay with that. I'm making progress each and every day. New opportunities at work keep popping up and I have a plan for moving forward that I think is going to help make a big difference. We've been working on the house and it's going well. Weather has been interfering a bit…


Life is far too short

It's been a great day so far. Gavin is out spending time with my Mom and the boys are doing awesome. I've been working for most of the day and that's gone amazingly well. I had two meetings today and both went really well. I'm exploring a new partnership having to do with men's health and that looks to be a really good business opportunity. At the same time, I'm all about raising awareness for things and men's health is important. The house has been quiet with Gavin gone and it's kinda like a look at what life might be like when he moves out on his own. He's having a great time with his grandma and while I'm not sure what they're doing, I am absolutely certain that I'll…

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Life is way too short

I was having kind of a rough morning, and you know what? It happens. I'm a grown man and while sometimes it's difficult to not allow my anxiety to get the better of me, I consciously choose a different path this morning. It wasn't easy. The absolute last thing I wanted to do this morning was go workout. I wasn't really in the headspace for that, and a few months ago, I would have allowed those feelings to win. I would have given up before I even got started but not anymore. Thankfully, I'm not the same me that I was a few months ago because I didn't let my mood win. The best thing I could do for myself was go work my ass off at the gym. That's…

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It’s noon and everyone is still sleeping

I feel like I slept okay last night. Today is going to be a busy day. Everyone in my house is still sleeping and it's just before noon. I'm pretty sure that between working outside yesterday and the fatigue following the second COVID shot, they're exhausted. I didn't really sleep in today but I wasn't up super early either. Gavin was doing is IVIG Infusion when I took this yesterday. The dogs spent some time outside and I cut the grass already. There's not a lot of shade where I will be working this afternoon and it's already hot and humid. I'm excited to get the work done but not super excited to do it in this heat. Anyway, back to work and we'll see what we can get accomplished…