Read more about the article Two out of three ain’t bad

Two out of three ain’t bad

Our afternoon was spent hiking in the woods. While I was successful in getting Elliott to join us, Gavin wanted nothing to do with it. It ended up being Elliott, Emmett, and me. We had a really good time. Emmett's new boots kept him from hurting himself, which is a good thing. It's was stunning to see how beautifully Fall has embraced Northeast Ohio. The park was super crowded and that made it a bit less pleasant but we had lots of fun anyway. The boys got along for the most part and I definitely feel like I was my mood was improved by spending time in the woods. I'm I didn't get as much done today as I was hoping to but it was still time well spent. At…

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My kids had an exciting new experience today

As I'm beginning to live my best life, I'm finding myself exposed to lots of new and exciting things. I feel like I've lived a relatively sheltered life because I'm experiencing so many new things for the first time, and I'm in my early forties. One of the things I'm deliberately experiencing is food from different cultures. I'm being introduced to foods from all over the world and it's been an amazing experience. I'm lucky to have a great guide through all this stuff and I can't believe I've lived so much of my life, having not tried some of these things. For the longest time, I was waking up feeling like it was one day closer to my death. That's a shitty way to live. Now I wake up…

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Read more about the article Third times a charm

Third times a charm

The last couple of days have been rather busy for me. I've been dealing with side effects from my covid booster. Nothing major. In fact, it's been easier this time around but I'm getting hit with fatigue. I'm tired all the time and sleeping doesn't really make it better. Again, it's better than COVID and I'm grateful to have access to such an effective vaccine. I took Gavin to get his booster this morning. He did great and so far, his only issue is a sore arm. I do expect him to be under the weather for the next day or two but maybe he won't experience any side effects and I'd be more than okay if that were the case. Emmett's been having a difficult couple of days so…


I’m really excited and I hope this helps

It's been a pretty great day so far. I've made more progress on the new site and I've secured a couple of amazing guests. You may not know this but I have a reddit sub with about 5,500 families and it's growing rapidly. You can check it out here. I asked my families for some help with picking podcast topics that would be of value to them and their journey. I received tons of suggestions and have lined up two that I think will be amazing. One has to do with an app that helps parents of find social activities for their kiddos. This is so important in the autism and special needs community. I'm really excited about this because helping our kids make friends and engage in social activities…


A shitload of updates

The boys are going to their mothers this weekend and that leaves me with a couple days to myself. Most of these days are going to be filled with rain but that doesn't mean I can't make good use of the time I'll have to myself. There are some things I want to get done this weekend. I'm working on the house and getting things better organized. Almost every room is going to be getting repainted and so there are obvious signs that we're working towards that. As I have time, I'm caulking and making drywall repairs. There are lots of projects underway but in various stages of progression. It's a bit stressful for me to see things like this but it's a means to an end. I'll maybe get…


Emerging from darker times

I wanted to pop in and let you know I'm still breathing. It's been a minute but it's not because something is wrong. Quite the opposite actually. The boys are doing great and Gavin is continuing down the path to independence. I'm so proud of everyone because we've emerged from such a dark time in our lives, and we're living our best lives. As for me, I'm doing great as well. I've come such a long way and while I'm tired, I absolutely love my life. I have some amazing opportunities with work, and I'm even planning a trip for next year. I've reinvested in balancing my public and private life, which is why I don't share everything that's going on. I'm in a very healthy, rewarding relationship, and I…

Read more about the article Why I still wear a mask, even though I’m fully #vaccinated

Why I still wear a mask, even though I’m fully #vaccinated

I wanted to take a second and put this out there because I truly believe that it's really important. Everyone in my immediate family (myself and the boys) are fully vaccinated for COVID. We're in pretty good shape in my house and I'm so incredibly grateful for that. That being said, not everyone is so lucky. Anyone under the age of twelve, cannot currently receive the COVID vaccine. It's coming soon but all these kids are still at risk until then. I even wear a mask at the gym, which is not fun at all, especially with a filtered mask. I made the decision to do that and I will continue to do so because there are people in my life who cannot yet receive the vaccine. The best way…

Read more about the article Moving forward

Moving forward

It's been a pretty good day. We got off to a rough start with the boys and school but everything worked out. I was finally able to get a tree service out to gut the back of my property. I've been trying for months to get someone out and it's nearly impossible right now because of labor shortages. They came out first thing in the morning and did a great job. I'd like to have them come back and deal with a few other things but it will probably have to wait until the spring. I asked them today and they said they appointments are being scheduled almost four months in advance. It's kinda crazy but COVID has impacted so many things. At the end of the day, I got…

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