We made some major progress today

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  • Post last modified:June 19, 2021

It’s been a really long day and I’m going to bed super early. We worked on the outside of the house all day today. My parents came over to help and we accomplished so much. I was telling someone tonight that I feel like I really dropped the ball over the last couple of years with the house and I’m not proud of that. I had a lot going on and I did the best I could in the moment. That said, it feels so good to make progress and move forward.

I have most of the house power washed and because of the rain, we haven’t been able to paint. We took on the landscaping today instead and made some major headway.

For the most part, the kids did amazingly well and I’m so proud of them, especially Elliott. He was a real leader today and he never quit. Emmett was feeling much better but was still struggling a little bit. Gavin was exhausted after his IVIG infusion but he ended up being a huge help also.

My Dad is going to spend his Father’s Day painting and continuing to help with the landscaping. I’m so grateful for both of my parents help and I’m very aware of how amazing they are. I’m incredibly lucky and I never forget that.

I do think I get to sleep in a little bit in the morning, which is nice. I’ve been getting up and hitting the gym before starting my day, but since they’re apparently closed on the weekend, I’m probably going to sleep in just for a little while. If I can’t sleep in, I might go walk a few miles, and kick off my day on the right foot.

We have a bit more sidewalk to uncover and my Dad wants to paint all the white trim on the front of the house before any weather blows in.

I’m going to bed early because I’m exhausted. In a totally random closing thought, I realized what I want for my birthday this year. I never know what I want for my birthday and I never ask for anything either. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about it recently and I know what I want. Again, totally random thought but it’s been running around in my head for the last couple of days.


I want to wish all the Dad’s out there, doing their job, a safe and happy Father’s Day. This is especially true for my Dad. Thank you for always being there for me. If I end up being 1/10 of the father to my kids, that you have been to me, I’ll count that as a win. Love you Dad. ☺

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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