Headache Infusion: Day 2 Wrapup

Lizze has completed her 2nd successful day of infusions.  One of the meds they gave her causes her whole body pain.  It's a side effect of that medication but it's very short lived and the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Lizze was able to walk out to the van but she's very heavily medicated and otherwise really out of it. She came home and was able to stay awake just long enough for me to make a few very important phone calls. As soon as I was done, she was in bed and asleep. I wasn't able to get any detailed information out of her about how she was feeling, largely due to being so heavily medicated. The other part is because this process is physically exhausting. I was able…


The wonders of #autism a tablet and Netflix

Emmett and I are waiting for Lizze to finish up day 2 of her headache infusion. He's just hanging physically in his carseat, watching Netflix on a tablet.  He has said so much as a word since his Leap Frog movie started, aside from him giggling. I'd say that's a win for sure.  This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos. I know how to spell but auto-correct hates me.  ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


Confessions of a Depressed #Autism Dad: Depression is Winning

As you likely know from previous posts like this, I'm battling depression. During this hard fought battle, I really feel as though I came out on top most of the time.  However, the depression seems to have the upper hand right now. Lizze and I have an appointment with my doctor next week to discuss the need for a new medication.  I'm pretty sure I'm maxed out on Paxil, so my options would be to supplement or change meds all together. The truth is, I'm really beginning to crumble under the pressure. Even Dr. Patti has noticed during our sessions with the boys that I'm not doing as well as I once was. Lizze has expressed concern that the Paxil just isn't cutting it anymore. I've aways valued her opinion…


Preparing for round 2 of the headache infusion

When Lizze left the neurologists office this afternoon, she left with a little present called a hep lock. Basically, the hep lock is a 6 inch pieces of IV tubing coming of the catheter, that's still in her arm. This makes it easier and less painful with they start the IV on day 2. I had to flush the hep lock out tonight and was really surprised to see that they were not using needless equipment.  I thought everyone had pretty much switched over to needless. Flushing her hep lock really took me back to doing my time in the ER for medic school. I really miss those days.......but at least Lizze doesn't need to be stuck again for the 2nd infusion. Hopefully, the port will remain in so Wednesday…


Anyone else hate the tags on clothing?

I don't know about you folks but I have grown to hate these things on clothing called tags. I hate them and so do my kids. I've lost track of how many of these little bastards I've cut off of various items of clothing over the years. For the love of God, please stamp the tag information on the shirt itself.  It's got to be cheaper than stitching in multiple tags. If I was in charge for a day.    


Headache Infusion Day 1: Update

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VadtUii6OUs This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos. I know how to spell but auto-correct hates me.  ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


What kind of help could your #autism family use?

I was asked in a recent post,  what kinds of things would could a non-profit do to benefit my special needs family?  She was asking a really good question and so I thought I would pose the question to my readers as well.  What could a non-profit autism organization do to help your family? Please leave your feedback in the comments below.  This site is managed via WordPress for Android, courtesy of the @SamsungMobileUS Galaxy Note 2 by @Tmobile. Please forgive any typos. I know how to spell but auto-correct hates me.  ;-) For more ways to help the Lost and Tired family, please visit Help the Lost and Tired Family.


Does “Lighting it up blue” really help anyone touched by #Autism?

Disclaimer: I'm adding this disclaimer because there is always going to be someone that takes a post like this the wrong way. I'm not saying the Autism Speaks or by extension, Light it up blue, is a bad thing. I just feel like it's more about the organization and less about the people they are supposed to be helping. Again, I'm not saying that's the case. I'm simply sharing my thoughts and opinions. These are my opinions based on my current knowledge and understanding. I remain open minded, regardless of my opinions. I would ask you to do the same. Why would I of all people, question the purpose of the light it up blue campaign? I can already see the hate mail flowing in after this but here's the…