Hey sleep deprived #Autism Parents, what would you do in this situation? 

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

Lizze and I are getting a small break this afternoon because the boys are going to a cousins graduation party with their grandparents. Our goal is to go to family functions more often but at this point, we’re both exhausted.  

I’ve barely been able to keep my eyes open all day and I’m certainly not in a position to drive anywhere.  

It’s really tough to find some semblance of balance because straight up exhaustion is a seemingly insurmountable problem, that’s a constant in our lives.  

Lizze and I are far from the only parents facing this type of problem. I’d love to hear how other Autism or special needs parents handle situations like this.  

If there was a family function and you had a choice between going as a family or staying home and going to sleep, while your kiddos went with their grandparents, what would you do and why? 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I send his neurotypical brother out solo with his grandparents as often as I can. I won’t send my autistic son because no parent or grandparent has any extra idea of how much attention has to be focused on him AT ALL TIMES. Just because he looks like he is self stimulating at I’ve moment doesn’t mean he won’t be in the street the next moment.

Our idea of rest is splitting the 2 boys up for the day. 1-on-1 life is SO much easier.


I thought you said the boys were sleeping through the the night now?

Rob Gorski

I’m confused. Your question has nothing to do with this post.


Yes it does. If the boys are sleeping through the night how are still sleep deprived?

Rob Gorski

You’re reading into things again. At no point did I say I was asleep deprived. Please try to stay on topic


You state above that you and Lizzie are both exhausted and titled the entry “sleep deprived autism parents”.
You further state you can “barely keep your eyes open” (due to the exhaustion). The above commenter was not off topic.

Rob Gorski

Actually, I said “Hey Sleep Deprived Autism Parents”.. I was reaching out to sleep deprived Autism parents.

As for the rest,” I can barely keep my eyes open” and referring to be exhausted has nothing to do with sleep. My kids run me ragged and even if I slept 10 hours a night, I would still be exhausted.

I never said anything about me not sleeping and I was simply not allowing anyone to put words in my mouth.

There are a handful of commentors that seem to thrive on twisting what I said or making bold assumptions. The comment or in question is one of 3 or 4 that frequent this site and like to do that.

Frankly, I’m tired of it. They drive traffic and that’s great but I won’t let someone put words in my mouth.

Yikes… 😉

Rob Gorski

I’m confused. Your question has nothing to do with this post.

Rob Gorski

I’m confused. Your question has nothing to do with this post.


Yes it does. If the boys are sleeping through the night how are still sleep deprived?

Rob Gorski

You realize that even if I could sleep 10 or 12 hours of sleep per night, the boys still run me ragged throughout the day, causing exhaustion. Ask any other Autism parent and they will likely understand.


Our little one doesn’t tolerate being away from home for things like that, so we have people come to us by hosting the event, or we just don’t go. We have lost plenty of friends over this, but are doing the best thing for him right now.

Rob Gorski

I’m sorry but I also totally understand.. Thank you for sharing.

Rob Gorski

I’m sorry but I also totally understand.. Thank you for sharing.


I send his neurotypical brother out solo with his grandparents as often as I can. I won’t send my autistic son because no parent or grandparent has any extra idea of how much attention has to be focused on him AT ALL TIMES. Just because he looks like he is self stimulating at I’ve moment doesn’t mean he won’t be in the street the next moment.

Our idea of rest is splitting the 2 boys up for the day. 1-on-1 life is SO much easier.


I thought you said the boys were sleeping through the the night now?

Rob Gorski

I’m confused. Your question has nothing to do with this post.


Yes it does. If the boys are sleeping through the night how are still sleep deprived?

Rob Gorski

You’re reading into things again. At no point did I say I was asleep deprived. Please try to stay on topic


You state above that you and Lizzie are both exhausted and titled the entry “sleep deprived autism parents”.
You further state you can “barely keep your eyes open” (due to the exhaustion). The above commenter was not off topic.

Rob Gorski

Actually, I said “Hey Sleep Deprived Autism Parents”.. I was reaching out to sleep deprived Autism parents.

As for the rest,” I can barely keep my eyes open” and referring to be exhausted has nothing to do with sleep. My kids run me ragged and even if I slept 10 hours a night, I would still be exhausted.

I never said anything about me not sleeping and I was simply not allowing anyone to put words in my mouth.

There are a handful of commentors that seem to thrive on twisting what I said or making bold assumptions. The comment or in question is one of 3 or 4 that frequent this site and like to do that.

Frankly, I’m tired of it. They drive traffic and that’s great but I won’t let someone put words in my mouth.

Yikes… 😉

Rob Gorski

I’m confused. Your question has nothing to do with this post.


Yes it does. If the boys are sleeping through the night how are still sleep deprived?

Rob Gorski

I’m confused. Your question has nothing to do with this post.

Rob Gorski

You realize that even if I could sleep 10 or 12 hours of sleep per night, the boys still run me ragged throughout the day, causing exhaustion. Ask any other Autism parent and they will likely understand.


Our little one doesn’t tolerate being away from home for things like that, so we have people come to us by hosting the event, or we just don’t go. We have lost plenty of friends over this, but are doing the best thing for him right now.

Rob Gorski

I’m sorry but I also totally understand.. Thank you for sharing.

Rob Gorski

I’m sorry but I also totally understand.. Thank you for sharing.