Read more about the article How Men Can Get Fit After 40: Embracing the Long Game
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How Men Can Get Fit After 40: Embracing the Long Game

Men hitting the big 4-0 often find themselves at a crossroads. The energy of youth gives way to the responsibilities of middle age, and the body starts to hint that it won't tolerate the same old habits. But here's the deal: getting fit after 40 isn't just about vanity. It's about longevity, vitality, and becoming the silver fox who's not just alive but living. Embrace the Journey, Not the Destination First things first, gents. Drop the 20-year-old mindset of beach bodies and six-packs. We’re not teenagers prepping for spring break. Think long-term investment. Fitness after 40 is about being able to play with your kids (or grandkids), keeping up with your partner, and making sure your body doesn't betray you when you decide to climb that mountain or dive into…


Supporting Dads in the Autism Community

In "The Autism Dad" podcast, Harry Psaros, an advocate and father from Pittsburgh, discussed his transformation after his son's autism diagnosis. He shared how embracing the diagnosis as a gateway to improvement helped him become a proactive advocate and author. His book aims to inspire resilience and hope in parents navigating similar challenges, emphasizing the importance of community support and a positive mindset for continuous growth and development. Harry's personal journey celebrates each victory and the potential in every challenge, illustrating a profound commitment to fostering the best environment for his child and others.


Dipping into my reserve of patience

I mentioned yesterday that Emmett was not doing well in school. I was caught off guard because I thought he was doing great, and academically he is. Unfortunately, he's struggling emotionally and didn't want to tell me because he was afraid I'd be disappointed. Last night I emailed his school guidance counselor and explained what was going on. She emailed back this morning and said that they were going to process Elliott and Emmett's transfer request together. I also heard back from Dr. Pattie, the boy's therapist. She is forwarding the letter today. I hope we can get this all done before the end of the week. I don't want this floating out there for too long, and the boys need to get started on their new routine. This was…


I got a break for the first time since September

It's been a couple days and I wanted to share something before I crash for the night. This will be brief because I'm exhausted and I'll try to follow up later. The other day, I called Lizze to find out if they'd been locked down for at least 14 days. They had been and so I suggested making arrangements for the boys to go over for a few days. It's been since September and that's really hard on her and the kids. We had decided to shut visits down until COVID was under control. That's the only reason she hasn't seen them. Since the insurrection at the Capitol Building and the current threats for this coming week, as well as how much worse COVID is getting, I thought we should…


Can you guess why it’s so hard for me to sleep?

I've been talking about how tough it's been to sleep at night when Emmett is dealing with separation anxiety. The last few days he's been doing really well in regards to sleeping in his own bed. Last night was a bit of a struggle. He ultimately made it into his own bed but he had to fall asleep in my room first. If you ask him why he needs to sleep in my room, he'll say something along the lines of he feels more comfortable. Sometimes it's because he has a string of nightmares that really upset him. Yet on other occasions, he's said that he's afraid that if he's not glued to me at night, he's going to wake up in the morning and I'll have left in the…


Fingers crossed that I sleep tonight

You know what? It's actually been a pretty good day. Obviously, it wasn't perfect or stress free but I don't think those days even exist. I feel like we made some progress around the house and for the most part, the kids got along with each other. I'm always grateful for that and it helps to maintain a positive tone for the day. It's amazing how something so simple can change the demeanor in the house. I didn't get a whole lot of work done but I've written twice and that hasn't happened in forever. That's big for me and it's progress. This week I need to focus on finishing up episode 39 and before Wednesday. That should be relatively easy, assuming the boys let me have the time needed…