Creating a Sensory-Friendly Home Environment: Tips for Families with Autistic Children Creating a sensory-friendly home environment is crucial for families with autistic children. Sensory sensitivities can significantly impact the daily lives of individuals on the autism spectrum, making it essential to provide a space that is calming, organized, and supportive of their unique needs.  In this article, we will explore practical tips for transforming your home into a sensory-friendly haven, helping to enhance the well-being and comfort of your autistic child. For those needing professional assistance, hermitage roll off dumpster services can be a valuable resource in maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. Understanding Sensory Sensitivities It is vital to define sensory sensitivity before looking at the key strategies used in this area to make sure everything is clear. One of the significant symptoms mentioned in the article is the…

Read more about the article Music Therapy vs Listening Therapy: What’s the Difference?
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Music Therapy vs Listening Therapy: What’s the Difference?

Music therapy and listening therapy are frequently discussed in the context of therapeutic interventions, but they have distinct differences and applications. So, what's music therapy? Music therapy is an evidence-based clinical use of musical interventions to improve clients' quality of life. Music therapists are credentialed professionals who design music therapy experiences to address various emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals. Through creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music within a therapeutic context, music therapy can help individuals manage stress, enhance memory, and improve communication. Then, what is listening therapy, you might be wondering. Listening therapy generally refers to methods that use music and sound to improve auditory processing and listening skills. It frequently assists individuals with auditory processing disorders, ASD, ADHD, or learning difficulties, providing structured listening sessions…


Navigating haircuts with my autistic kids

The question has been asked. How do I navigate haircuts with my 3 autistic kids. I thought since Elliott literally just walked out from getting one, we’d talk about it. In general, haircuts are easy now but it wasn’t always that way. When the boys were little, it was a sensory nightmare. I’d put off haircuts for as long as I could because I knew how difficult it would be for the kids and everyone else involved. There were times that I would have their hair cut really short just so it would take a little longer before we needed to return. The boys struggled with sitting still. The noise from the electric clippers freaked them out and the little hairs that were left behind made them itch and drove…


Balancing Autism Parenting: Humor and Raw Emotion with Tara Reynolds and Lauren Flack (S6E20)

On this week’s episode: Tara and Lauren are back by popular demand and we’re taking on topics that you sent in. Today we’re talking about finding balance when you have neurotypical and neurodivergent kids. It’s an incredibly emotional conversation filled with lots of tears and laughter. This hit very close to home for all three of us and I hope listening to us share our experiences reminds you that you’re not alone


Emmett’s been in a lot of pain lately

Emmett’s been having a lot of back pain recently. He’s been to the doctor and it appeared to be muscular in nature so he was referred to physical therapy. The appointment was scheduled but we had a month or so to wait and it felt like forever. Yesterday, Emmett had his evaluation and they believe it’s muscular as well. He did great and has exercises to do each day. I’ll also now be taking him to PT every Friday morning at 7am through July. I’m not super excited about that but we do what we must and he definitely needs the help. Part of the problem is that Emmett has grown so rapidly recently. He went from this tiny kid who hadn’t grown forever to this giant teenager, seemingly overnight.…

Read more about the article I went to bed feeling like I was a decent Dad last night

I went to bed feeling like I was a decent Dad last night

I'm really trying to push through all this shit today. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing okay and other times I feel like I'm broken. I've been really focused on work lately because I'm getting slammed, which is good but it's also painfully obvious that I'm a one man operation. My goal right now is continued growth and meeting the needs of the community. I've been going back and forth over the best ways to do that. After a good bit of thought, I've made the decision to add a second episode each week, and I know what you're thinking. Rob, why would you add more work for yourself when you're already spread too thin? Great question. The second episode is less than 10 minutes long and I'm answering listener…

Read more about the article I asked my kids to take pictures while hiking and this is what I got

I asked my kids to take pictures while hiking and this is what I got

I took the kids hiking tonight. It was our first hike of the summer and we kept it simple. Something that I enjoy doing is asking the kids to take pictures with their photos while we're exploring. Elliott and Emmett are very interested in photography and I'm trying to foster that a bit. Gavin has no interest but I'm encouraging him to step outside his comfort zone. Today was no exception. I asked the kids to please take four pictures while we were out, and send them to me. Here's what I got. Note, Emmett and Elliott like to edit their photos, and Gavin sent me two instead of four. Lol The reason I like doing this is because it's so interesting to see how they see their world. This…

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I’m 43 years old, and finished my first round of #ADHD testing

The other day, I received a phone call from my psychologist. There had been a cancelation and he was hoping I would come in a week early to get started on my ADHD evaluation. I had to clear my afternoon schedule but I jumped at the opportunity to get this process started. I've been waiting for a couple of months to undergo this evaluation and hopefully, get the help I need to better manage my symptoms. I arrived at the office about an hour or so after hanging up the phone and nervously waited in the lobby. Eventually I heard my name and made my way into this small room off to the side. It was cluttered with books, papers, and boxes. It reminded me of my speech therapists office…