Why is this so fucking complicated?

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

The goddamn pharmacy didn’t get Gavin’s Clozapine filled in time for the second week in a row. This is very time sensitive and it’s in a set schedule. Gavin gets his bloodwork done on Monday or Tuesday and they pull the labs Tuesday afternoon. The script gets filled and delivered by Wednesday afternoon.

It’s really not that complicated because it’s the same thing each week.

I made several phone calls at the beginning of the week to ensure everything was in order. I even called late Tuesday afternoon to remind them to call for the labs and make sure the script was either ready for pickup or delivered by Wednesday afternoon. I was assured this wouldn’t be a problem.

Thankfully, we have an emergency supply to cover for disruptions like this. Clozapine is extremely tightly controlled and there’s a great deal of red tape to get through every time he needs a refill, in this case, every seven days.

I’m not very happy but I’m not sure what to do at this point. The lab is supposed to automatically fax the results to the pharmacy and they never do it. I don’t have access to the lab so I can’t reach out to them. There were some changes to how they run labs recently-ish and it’s no longer done in-house. Now they get shipped across town and ever since then, we can’t get them to fax the results. It’s a stat order with very specific instructions but nothing works.

If the results were faxed like they are supposed to be, that would likely prompt the pharmacy to fill the script, rather than forgetting about it and having to be repeatedly reminded.

Clozapine has been somewhat of a miracle for Gavin’s Schizophrenia but holy shit does it come with baggage and red tape.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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