The Importance of “Me Time” for Parents

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. But it's also one of the most challenging. Sometimes it can feel like you're constantly giving and never getting anything in return. That's why it's so important for parents to make time for themselves. My Most Recent "Me Time" Story This weekend, the boys spent some time with their grandma. They love spending time with their grandparents. While they were out living their best lives yesterday, I got some much-needed me time.I went on my own little adventure and was able to put back into myself. Even better, I no longer feel guilty about taking time for myself or for building my own life outside of just being a Dad. I spent some time out in…


You can’t give what you don’t have

Selfcare is so important for everyone, but especially for parents. When you're a parent, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of taking care of your kids and forget to take care of yourself. But if you don't make time for selfcare, you won't have anything left to give to your kids. You need to take care of yourself so that you can be the best parent possible. Selfcare doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. It can be as simple as taking a few moments every day to breathe deeply and relax, or taking a break to read your favorite book. Just make sure that you're making time for yourself every day. Your kids will benefit from it in the long run.


Building Forward

Update: Totally forgot to publish this after writing. Better late than never. ☺ This is going to be a great week. Work is going well, and I've been able to start connecting to some local organizations that seem pretty amazing. One of my goals this year was to expand into my local community, and I'm making progress. That feels amazing. I've also been talking to someone extremely knowledgeable in navigating some of the things that Gavin needs help with. It's so incredibly helpful to have a conversation about this and walk away with a fresh perspective, as well as a plan of attack. I'm going to be reaching out to our local DD board and finding out what I have to do to have Gavin re-evaluated. I think there were some…


I haven’t done this in forever but that needs to change

Yesterday I did something I haven't done in a long time. I went for a hike without my kids. I'm not sure why I don't do this more often. I do like time to myself, and I love being out in nature. Seems like I would be doing this every chance I get. Who knows. Anyway, my original plan was to take Happy to Quail Hollow but I ultimately decided that it was getting to be too late in the day and I wanted to do something a little closer. We ended up going to the Wellness Trail that the boys and I frequently visit when we don't feel like going to Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Elliott was at his girlfriends house. Emmett and Gavin were just chilling out at…

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A little self-care goes a long way

I was feeling a little overwhelmed the last few days, but I'm in a better place today. I can be really easy to get lost in the moment and lose sight of what matters. I think that's what happened to me and once I realized that, I was able to put things into perspective. While the school changes this year proved to be too much, it does appear that we have found a solution that allows for the best of both worlds. They can work from home and still have the opportunities that in-person students have. I've had a couple of really good interviews this week, and I'm looking forward to digging into the production side of them. I'd like to take the kids to Cuyahoga Valley National Park this…


We just hit a major milestone but I have mixed feelings

I've hit a pretty major parenting milestone. Elliott and Emmett are both in high school now and I no longer have any kids in grade school. We can take this a step further and also acknowledge that not only are they both in high school, but they're both in mainstream high school. I'm so proud of them and part of me feels like I've done something right as a parent, and the other part of me knows that the credit belongs to the two of them. It's so amazing to see them doing so well and I couldn't be prouder. There were plenty of times along the way when I would have never thought this possible, or in their best interest, and yet here we are. Just the four of…


I don’t want to feel like this anymore

I have a doctor's appointment this morning to discuss managing my ADHD with medication.  This has been a long time coming and I'm excited/nervous.  We're also going to talk about my antidepressants as well. This is so important, especially as I'm continuing to struggle. I'm looking forward to putting some of this struggle behind me or at least becoming better equipt to manage it.  I don't expect it to be an easy, overnight change but rather a process.  It's going to take time but I will take back control over my life and continue moving forward. On my way to the doctor I don't want to feel like this anymore. It's awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Giving up isn't an option for me, so I need to…