I need to make some decisions this week

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  • Post last modified:August 16, 2021

It looks like this week is going include some rushing around getting everything done for school that I should done already. Both the boys need new shoes and I think we’re gonna take care of that today. I’ve gone through all of their clothes and I think we’re okay for the moment.

Sensory challenges make this so much harder, especially for Emmett. He is incredibly sensitive to things that touch his skin and he doesn’t tolerate pants very well. He prefers shorts but he needs pants for the colder Ohio weather. It difficult to find pants that he will find comfortable enough to wear. Anyway, the point is, it’s challenging and I’m grateful that I don’t have to look for too much because it will be easier on him.

I’m going to be spending the next few days trying to figure out how I’m going to handle this school year. I’m not looking to take on another year of remote learning because it’s a fucking nightmare but at the same time, if that’s the safest option for right now, so be it. I’ll make it work, just like I have for the last two school years.

I have learned that some of their friends aren’t returning to the classroom right now out of concern for their health and safety. I’m glad to learn that I’m not alone and other parents are feeling the same worry I am.

On Tuesday I have a doctors appointment. I haven’t seen my doctor in person since COVID. Everything has been telehealth. I go in person this time and I’m kinda excited about that because I’ve made so much progress.

Something I haven’t mentioned before is that I may be discussing a small bump to my antidepressants. I’m still on a relatively low dose of Prozac and it might be helpful to get a little more help, at least for a little while. I’m not ashamed to admit that I might need a little bit of help. We’ll see what happens but it’s just something I want to bring up with her.

I don’t have any recordings this week, at least currently. I’m looking at early September for that. I’m okay with that because I have some new studio equipment coming in for review and I’m super excited to see if this will help me streamline my current setup. I have very limited space and being able to use said space more effectively would be a good thing. I’m looking forward to that.

Overall, it’s been a pretty good day. I took the kids hiking and everyone did amazingly well. I’m so proud of them. It was a great evening and I’m glad I decided to take them. I love spending time with my kids and hiking seems to be the most common thing we do together, outside of the house.

We’re planning a hike for the end of this week and there may be a group of us going, which would be really fun.

I’m still not sleeping great and so I’m hoping to get some rest tonight. My brain is just not wanting to shut off and I just lay here staring at the ceiling. I’m hoping that writing for a little while will help me to find a path that leads to sleep.

Hope you all have a great Monday

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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