I’m really excited about today. We’re all going over to my brother’s house for the 4th and it’s gonna be awesome. There will be some new people there and it’s gonna be awesome.
The boys are currently helping my parents on a project in the backyard while I’m getting caught up on some work. I’ve got quite a few writing gigs to finish and publish, so I’m spending the day getting that stuff done.

Gavin has started his first job and it’s going incredibly well so far. Elliott is back at work during the week and so it’s just Emmett and me during the day. I’m trying to finish up my office to recording studio conversion and I’m hoping to paint next week. The drywall repairs were quite extensive and I’m taking my time cause I want to do this correctly. Work has been keeping me busy during the day and I’m only one person.
There’s a lot going on in my life right now and I’m actually doing a pretty good job managing everything. I do need to recommit to walking in the morning and my intermittent fasting but I’m starting over in the morning. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progress.
I’m also finding it a little easier to write again and that feels so amazing. I miss writing and I’m hoping to keep making progress in this area. The blog has been getting hammered with traffic since I’ve been writing again. That’s definitely a good thing.
Life is good right now. I’m so grateful for all the things I have in my life today.