A Parents Guide to Autism and Sensory Eating (S6E53)

Sensory eating is something so many autism families struggle with daily, mine included. My guest this week is Brittyn Coleman, aka The Autism Dietitian. Brittyn is one of only a handful of dietitians across the country specializing in autistic kids. She’s here to help us better understand what sensory eating is and how it differs from picky eating. We also talk about how we can help ensure proper nutrition in our kids, and expand their menus in creative ways.

Read more about the article Conversations Dads Should Have But Often Don’t
Photo by Josh Willink on Pexels.com

Conversations Dads Should Have But Often Don’t

Fatherhood isn't just a phase; it's an evolving role with numerous layers and dimensions. As fathers, you set the bar for what your children come to expect from the world and themselves. Your words and actions guide them, serving as the yardstick against which they measure their worth and understand their environment. Yet, there are conversations many fathers steer clear of, avoiding the choppy waters of taboo subjects. But these conversations are essential. They not only deepen your relationship with your children but also provide them with the wisdom and tools they'll need to navigate life's complexities. Emotional Vulnerability The word 'vulnerability' is often seen as antithetical to strength and confidence. Yet, true leadership involves showing your human side. Opening up about your fears, concerns, and life experiences makes you…

Read more about the article Understanding and Managing Hair Loss
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Understanding and Managing Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common concern that can impact individuals of all ages and genders. Whether caused by genetic factors, hormonal changes, or underlying health conditions, understanding and managing hair loss requires a comprehensive approach. This article will delve into the various aspects of hair loss, from its causes to effective management strategies. Understanding the Causes Hair loss can result from a variety of factors, and a clear understanding of the underlying cause is crucial for effective management. Some common causes include: Genetic Factors: Androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, is often hereditary. Hair follicles shrink over time, leading to thinning hair and eventual hair loss. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, like those that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or conditions including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),…


Hibi – manage, coordinate & navigate your child’s care

At Hibi, we’re on a mission to ensure that every family caring for a child has the support they need. I’m Sam, a cofounder at Hibi, living in London in the UK. I grew up with family and friends caring for children, including my mum who is an occupational therapist. I’ve worked for years for a charity in London supporting children with developmental conditions, particularly autism. What I was seeing was that behind every child, there is a family at home working to manage, coordinate and navigate care. Parents have to manage, store & share huge amounts of information, including medications, documents, appointments, symptoms and more. They also have to navigate a fragmented system split across health, education and social care organisations. The result is an experience that can be…

Read more about the article Guy Talk: Communicating About Men’s Health Issues
Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels.com

Guy Talk: Communicating About Men’s Health Issues

Talking about health, especially men’s health, has always been a bit of a taboo. But why should it be? It’s time to change the narrative and bring these crucial conversations into the spotlight. Your health is your wealth, as the saying goes, and for men, being informed and open about health issues is not just smart; it’s essential. Whether it’s discussing mental wellbeing or understanding the nuances of physical health, it’s important to create a space where these topics are no longer brushed under the carpet. Men’s health is a broad canvas painted with various issues that are often unique or more prevalent in men. From mental health to heart disease, and yes, even hair loss, it’s crucial to understand these issues not just in isolation but as part of…

Read more about the article Fall Fashion Faux Pas And Must Haves – How To Dress For The Fall And Winter In Style
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Fall Fashion Faux Pas And Must Haves – How To Dress For The Fall And Winter In Style

As fall rolls in and winter looms, your wardrobe faces new challenges and opportunities. This guide is your key to mastering the art of dressing stylishly and comfortably in the colder months. We'll dive into the common fashion faux pas to avoid and uncover the must-have pieces that will keep you looking your best. Whether you're stepping out for a winter party or bundling up for a chilly day, these tips will ensure your fashion choices are both practical and on point. Get ready to update your style with confidence and turn heads this season! Top Fall Fashion Mistakes To Avoid This Season Navigating fall fashion can be tricky, but avoiding certain missteps can elevate your style effortlessly. First, beware of over-layering. While staying warm is key, too many layers can…

Read more about the article Looking After Yourself: Taking Care Of Dad
Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com

Looking After Yourself: Taking Care Of Dad

As you age, prioritising your health becomes crucial to enjoying life's later chapters with zest and vitality. This blog serves as a toolkit for every man who wants to age with grace, offering actionable health tips to keep you on top of your game.  We cover everything you need to fuel your body, including exercises that fit your lifestyle. You'll also find strategies to address common age-related concerns with positivity and assurance. So, let's step forward into maintaining your health with smart, simple changes that can make all the difference. Welcome to your blueprint for a healthier, happier you. Techniques For A Calmer Mind And Body Tackling stress effectively means more than just dodging a bad day—it paves the way for a healthier, calmer tomorrow. Your secret weapon? Simple, everyday…