Understanding Stimming in ADHD and Autism

What is Stimming? Stimming, short for self-stimulatory behavior, refers to repetitive actions like hand-flapping, rocking, humming, or tapping. For those of us with ADHD or autism, stimming serves as a way to self-regulate our sensory experiences and emotions. It helps manage the overwhelming input from our surroundings and provides a sense of calm and focus. Why Do We Stim? There are several reasons why stimming is a common behavior: Sensory Regulation: Our brains can easily become overwhelmed by sensory input. Stimming helps us filter and manage this input, making our environment more predictable and less stressful. Emotional Release: When we feel anxious, excited, or frustrated, stimming can be a way to express and release these emotions safely. Focus and Concentration: Engaging in repetitive movements or sounds can help maintain focus…


I’m 43 years old, and finished my first round of #ADHD testing

The other day, I received a phone call from my psychologist. There had been a cancelation and he was hoping I would come in a week early to get started on my ADHD evaluation. I had to clear my afternoon schedule but I jumped at the opportunity to get this process started. I've been waiting for a couple of months to undergo this evaluation and hopefully, get the help I need to better manage my symptoms. I arrived at the office about an hour or so after hanging up the phone and nervously waited in the lobby. Eventually I heard my name and made my way into this small room off to the side. It was cluttered with books, papers, and boxes. It reminded me of my speech therapists office…


My #ADHD Brain

I was feeling a little scattered today and getting frustrated with my ADHD brain. I had some work that needed to get done today. There was some prep for my trip, as well as tend to some ad copies that needed written and recorded. I got some invoicing done, as well as bit of coding on the backend of the site. I was relatively productive today. The boys only had half a day at school today and I had to reschedule a meeting in order to retrieve them on time. That's kinda where things went downhill for me. 😂 When I got home, I decided to go through the boxes in my room and get rid of everything I don't need or want. This is something I need to do.…


Working with myself rather than against myself

I'm getting a little frustrated and overwhelmed with everything I have to do in the living room still. I've been at it pretty much nonstop for the past three days and I'm tired. I was able to get half of everything second coated before I started getting sloppy. I've decided to take a break, order some lunch (cause I'm also a little hangry) and work on something else for right now. I need to clear my head so I can get back at it ASAP. I owe it to the kids to disrupt their lives as little as possible, and right now, the entire first floor is unusable. Thankfully, the kids are at their moms until tomorrow, so I have some time. As far as my break is concerned, I'm…

Read more about the article Is this how other adults function?

Is this how other adults function?

Today was such a good day for me. I made so much progress in the living room. I was able to get everything patched up and prepped for Wednesday when we paint the ceiling. I stayed on task and got everything done. The living room will be ready to start receiving fresh cost of paint this Wednesday. It's amazing how small changes in the way I approach things can have such a positive impact. I have to use things like lists, reminders, post-it notes, broken down tasks, self-imposed deadlines, and the like in order to keep myself on track. I have mixed feelings about it but truthfully, it's a small price to pay for adult functionality. I'm so grateful to have figured this out because if today is an indication…

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Recognizing that I have adult #ADHD is absolutely changing my life

I wanted to take a second and say thank you to everyone in my life who is supporting me as I explore an adult ADHD diagnosis. I've spent so long exhausted, beating myself up, and being stuck because I didn't recognize what the problem was. The more research I do, the more I realize that what I thought was depression was at least partly ADHD. I've been on this journey silently for a couple of months now and have only recently began to explore it. I've written about my suspicions vaguely but I had a lengthy, detailed conversation about it with those closest to me over the last couple of days. I've been reading everything I can find on adult ADHD and talking to some of my closest friends who…


Today’s Victory: The Good, The Concerning and The Cause for Celebration

Yesterday after picking the kids up from school, I dropped Elliott off at home before taking Emmett to an ADHD med-check. When a child is on ADHD medication, there are frequent medication checks for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, it's about making sure the medication is still the correct medication for the child in question, the dose is still correct, the child is benefiting from the medication and updating the doctor of any changes in the child's life that should be noted. Secondly, med-checks occur because ADHD medications are usually highly controlled substances and you can't get refills without an appointment. That's just the way it is and while it can be a pain in the ass at times, it's the right approach. We're very careful with medications…


We don’t medicate our kids all willy-nilly

Today worked out pretty well, at least better than expected. Gavin goes to my parents every Wednesday and spends a few hours hanging out. This gives Lizze and I a reprieve from all the talking. Something had come up for today and he wasn't going to be able to go but last night, my Mom sent a text that we were still on. I knew Gavin would be excited because all week, he's been talking about how Grandma has to go out of town and he won't be able to go on Wednesday. My Mom picked Gavin up and Lizze and I took the boys to their doctors appointment. Not having to drag Gavin along, made it much easier and worked out well considering how challenging the boys ended up…