It’s 2:40 am and I’m too stressed to sleep

It's been a rough day in our house. My tank is pretty much on empty and the kids have been such a handful lately. I'm exhausted and coming up short in the patience department. Currently, it's almost 3am and I still can't fall asleep because it's been such a stressful day. I can't seem to shut my brain off. The kids have been at each other's throats all day. Emmett and Gavin were fighting and I was done with it. I sent them downstairs to call their mom and have her help them resolve whatever they were fighting over. It didn't end well and made things infinitely worse but Lizze did what she could from a distance. The kids needed a physical intervention and that of course, can't be done…


That’s what makes you awesome

I don't know if you're new here or not but in case you are, you should know that I see a therapist every Wednesday. I feel like it's important to share that because there's too much stigma surrounding therapy. My therapist is awesome and she's helping me to deal with everything I've been through.  I feel like I'm doing okay. I've moved on from my marriage ending and I no longer carry that pain around. Therapy has really helped with that. Unfortunately, some things can't be learned in therapy and are only learned through life experience. I've not written like this in a long time but I just feel like I need to dig down and put my thoughts into words. There's a lot of stress associated with being an…

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I think this was our last hiking trip for awhile

I took the kids out for a walk today. I figured if we could find a place that was isolated enough, we could safely get out for a bit. We ended up trying several places before settling on the Wellness Trail. There were no cars there and I felt pretty good about our odds. We came across a few people along the way. Only one person was wearing a mask and with as bad as things are getting, this might be our last trip for a little while. Not enough people are taking this seriously and it's getting too dangerous. While we were out, I was able to grab some pictures. It was a gorgeous day and we ended up walking about two miles before making our way back to…

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I can’t think of a fucking title for this

I've accomplished a whole lot of nothing today. I know that I probably should care or at least feel a little guilty but I don't. I mean, I spent some time with my kids and did actually mulch the leaves again. I suppose that's my claim to fame for the moment and I'm cool with that. This week should be quite interesting because I'm scheduled to record my final interview for season 3 of the pod and I'll wrap things up with 40 episodes. That's actually quite an accomplishment and the pod continues to grow every week. Anyway, I have a few episodes left in post but nothing new scheduled after this week. I'm kinda excited about that. The timing is perfect because Emmett's new school schedule starts this week…


I have some exciting news

I mentioned yesterday, I think it was yesterday. Anyway, I mentioned that there were some things that I was really excited about but wanted to save it for a followup post and here it is. So, I'm officially recording again and I'm really excited about this new series of interviews. I've been talking to all kinds of experts during the first three seasons because I wanted to provide valuable information that could improve the lives of families, especially autism families. I'll still continue to bring valuable info but I want to do something a little different. What I'm doing now is recording conversations I have with other autism or special needs parents. These are raw, unfiltered conversations so you can expect colorful language and interesting insights into someone else's life.…


Sleeping Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) poses many unique challenges for you as a parent. Sleeping Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) One of the most commonly affected areas involves sleep. Good sleep during pregnancy is certainly important, but so too is adequate rest postpartum and into childhood for both you and your child. As your child ages, lost sleep usually results from their inability to sleep. If they can’t fall asleep, have bad dreams, or wake up frequently, then they may wake you up directly or indirectly through the noise they make. Making matters worse, they’ll suffer from the effects of poor sleep. Losing even a few hours of sleep is enough to cause negative effects on their mood, energy, and cognitive skills, especially for…


Looks like we’re watching #Scoob today, courtesy of @WBHomeEnt

I just want to say thank you to Warner Brothers for sending my kids this media box, including a Blu-ray of the new release of #Scoob and some promotional swag. The kids were so excited and surprised. We've actually seen Scoob when it released on digital a little while back and it was awesome. Totally a family friendly movie that everyone will enjoy. As a kid, I lived on Scooby-Doo and it's so cool to see this get a 2020 update. In Scooby-Doo's greatest adventure yet, see the never-before told story of how lifelong friends Scooby and Shaggy first met and how they joined forces with young detectives Fred, Velma and Daphne to form the famous Mystery Inc. Now, with hundreds of cases solved, Scooby and the gang face their…


I’m about 90% sure it’s a Thursday

I'm up early and about 90% sure it's a Thursday. We've just hit day 140 of COVID19 lockdown and everything just sorta slurs together anymore. Groceries are on the agenda for today and they'll be arriving in a few hours. The kids are still sleeping and aside from my noisy ceiling fan, the house is completely silent. It's actually kind of amazing how quiet it is. While I'm still very tired and could probably go back to bed for a little longer, I'm going to enjoy the quiet and maybe even workout before the kids get up. I have a new episode dropping for the podcast tonight and it's one I'm really excited about. You can visit and get caught up on all the previous episodes while you're waiting.…