10 words broke my heart today

This afternoon, the boys have their annual Christmas Program at school. They're both pretty excited for us to see their performance and we're excited to see it. In fact, Gavin plans on recording the whole thing with his tablet because, and his exact words were, I want to record as many memories as I can. That's pretty awesome but it's also heartbreaking as well because he wants to record them because he knows he's going to forget. 😔 More power to him though. After the program, the boys will be dismissed early and we'll officially begin Christmas break. Lizze and I are as ready for Christmas break as we're going to be. ☺


Haven’t slept for the 3rd night in a row

For the third night in a row, I've been unable to sleep because I haven't been able to get comfortable enough to relax. This absolutely sucks and I can't wait for my back to heal up. No matter what I do or how I'm laying down, my back is driving me nuts. I'm exhausted but between the tape on my back, the allergic reaction I'm experiencimg due to said tape, and the hole in my back, I hurt and itch. This totally sucks..


Pictures of the hole in my back….because you asked

I've had a rather large number of requests to see the pictures I have of the whole infected cyst ordeal. The only reason I even have pictures is because Lizze took them at my request. I'm not able see what's going on because it's in the middle of my back, right on my spine. The pictures let me monitor the progress and help ensure I'm healing. Please be warned. These pictures are somewhat graphic and unpleasant to look at. Obviously, there are people out there that were curious as to what I was going through. I really can't believe I'm sharing these but I suppose they could be educational for some. To be honest, when I began dealing with cyst on my back, I looked online for any information I…


What’s up with the hole in my back?

While I was at the doctors yesterday discussing withdrawaling from my antidepressants, she also took a look at my back. The night before I had a large amount of infection removed, very painfully I might add. Anyway, she removed the botched dressing that the Urgent Care did the night before and made sure it was okay. There was what appeared to be a shoestring hanging out of an incision in the center of my back. That was part of the packing they used to keep the hole open for a few days. She said that it was looking really good and that it should heal just fine. I was also instructed to ignore the instructions from the Urgent Care because she's not sure what they were thinking. I'm to only…


It’s been a hectic day but we’re treading water

The boys had a great day at school today. Tomorrow is their last day for the year, as well as their Christmas program. ☺ Lizze and I have had an eventful day and she's wiped out from all the running around. Fibromyalgia is not a joke, especially to those who have it or have loved ones who do. It's heartbreaking to see someone you love in constant physical pain. Anyway, I sent her to bed. She's been overdoing things because I've been down for a few days with the injection in my back. I'll be taking the boys to see Dr. Pattie tonight and we're going to let Lizze get some rest. If you're interested and because I've had more readers ask than you'd probably believe, I will be sharing…


Depression Confessions: Withdrawaling from #Paxil is a bitch

I'm going to focus on the depression side of my doctor's appointment this morning and dedicate a second post to the issues with my back. I mentioned in previous Depression Confessions posts, that after much thought and discussion, I've decided to begin the process of withdrawaling from the antidepressants I've been on for many, many years. I met with my doctor this morning to discuss my decision and figure out the best, safest way for me to withdrawal from both Paxil and Wellbutrin XL. Before I explain how I'm going to do this, I want to be sure that I'm very clear about this one point. Never, never quit antidepressants cold turkey. Doing so can cause side effects that range from unpleasant to serious. Always work with your doctor to…


I feel like shit this morning but hey I’m alive

So I got about zero sleep last night. I couldn't get comfortable and as the morning drew closer, the pain began to return. I'm in the waiting room at my doctor's office right now. I arrived early because I'm hoping to God that I can get in early. I feel nauseated and I just want to go to bed. I'm also not looking forward to her removing the dressing because Lizze and I realized that the nurse last night didn't center the dressing. The tape at the bottom is really uncomfortably close to the wound and it's gonna hurt like a bitch when my doctor removes it. Anyway, this whole thing is weird for me because I can't see it and have to rely on pictures or someone else to…


Urgent Care: A gross but necessary update

This is going to be a little gross, so heads up if you have a sensitive stomach. I'm finally resting after a getting home from the Urgent Care a couple hours ago. In the last post, I shared that I was in pretty rough shape and needed to be seen immediately by Urgent Care. Let me catch you up on what happened and why. I've had a cyst on my back for a couple of years. It's never been a problem and it was checked out by my doctor. About a week or two ago, the cyst burst. Since it's located right in the middle of my back, smack dab on the center of my spine, I couldn't take care of it without help. Lizze stepped up big time and…