Creating a Sensory-Friendly Home Environment: Tips for Families with Autistic Children Creating a sensory-friendly home environment is crucial for families with autistic children. Sensory sensitivities can significantly impact the daily lives of individuals on the autism spectrum, making it essential to provide a space that is calming, organized, and supportive of their unique needs.  In this article, we will explore practical tips for transforming your home into a sensory-friendly haven, helping to enhance the well-being and comfort of your autistic child. For those needing professional assistance, hermitage roll off dumpster services can be a valuable resource in maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. Understanding Sensory Sensitivities It is vital to define sensory sensitivity before looking at the key strategies used in this area to make sure everything is clear. One of the significant symptoms mentioned in the article is the…

Read more about the article Saving Smarter: Practical Tips for Busy Parents to Build a Financial Safety Net
Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. on

Saving Smarter: Practical Tips for Busy Parents to Build a Financial Safety Net

In an era where financial stability feels increasingly precarious, building a financial safety net is no longer just an option but a necessity. For busy parents, balancing the cost of raising a family with saving for the future can be an arduous task. However, with strategic planning and smart saving habits, it’s possible to secure a robust financial foundation. Here are some practical tips to help busy parents save smarter and create a financial buffer for their family's future. Assess Your Financial Situation The first step to building a financial safety net is to understand where you currently stand. Take stock of all your assets, liabilities, income, and monthly expenses. This detailed snapshot offers valuable insights into your financial health and helps identify areas where you can make immediate improvements.…


2 years ago today I met and interviewed Dr. Temple Grandin

2 years ago today, I met Dr. Temple Grandin. It was my very first trip away from my 3 autistic kids. I was so nervous because I’d never been away from them like that before. I’m so glad I went. It was such an amazing experience. I learned a great deal and met some amazing people, including Kate from @findingcoopersvoice. This was one of my very first big podcast interviews and you can find it at and click on the podcast button or simply stream it below.


Just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it’s not there. I saw this recently and wanted to share this with you all. When raising kiddos with autism, it’s easy to sometimes get caught up in the daily struggle. We’re tired, overwhelmed, and about a million other things. When progress feels slow with our kids, we can blame ourselves for not doing enough or endlessly worry about their future. Trust me, I’ve been doing this for 23 years and I get it. Often times, however, growth and progress are taking place but maybe not in ways we anticipated. Just remember that simply because we aren’t seeing progress on the surface, doesn’t mean our kids aren’t experiencing growth. Just something to think about. ❤️


We don’t stop being parents when they become adults

This is Gavin. Gavin is my 24 year old autistic son who has recently begun building his own adult life. This past week Gavin called me from the break room at work and was incredibly upset. He was not making a great deal of sense and only after calming him down could I really understand what was going on. After a few minutes, I was able to figure out that his phone wasn’t working correctly and he was freaking out because he liked watching YouTube on his lunch break. He was frustrated because this disrupted his routine and he doesn’t like that. He was currently calling me from his watch because his phone battery had died and he didn’t know what to do. He had a few minutes before he…


A Parents Guide to Autism and Sensory Eating (S6E53)

Sensory eating is something so many autism families struggle with daily, mine included. My guest this week is Brittyn Coleman, aka The Autism Dietitian. Brittyn is one of only a handful of dietitians across the country specializing in autistic kids. She’s here to help us better understand what sensory eating is and how it differs from picky eating. We also talk about how we can help ensure proper nutrition in our kids, and expand their menus in creative ways.