I fail to find…

...the words to express how touched and humbled I am right now. I want to take a second to thank everyone for flooding Gavin with cards. They said kids there never get cards like this. I find that sad but he came home tonight and has a huge pile of cards. He felt really special. Please know that you have touched a child's life in a way that I could never have done myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Gavin was discharged

Gavin was released tonight. There is nothing they can do for him at this point. He can't be medicated to make life a bit easier and less confusing for him. We already knew that. The movements are unexplained at this point but not dangerous. That was what we needed to hear. We were concerned about a repeat of the life threatening condition he faced this summer. All is well and we are glad to have him home. He is back to school in the morning. They said he needs to get back into things right away so I guess that is what we will do. Now that he is home it's one less thing to worry about.


I’ve lost….

...20lbs since starting Fit 4 Autism. My doctor today,said I have made a complete turn around since the beginning of the year. I am medication free and aside from my much improved diet and fish oil, multi-vitamins and a few other natural supplements my doctor recommended, I'm good to go. I couldn't believe it when they told me how much I have lost. I don't weigh myself I just count the kcal's I burn. I weigh more then the typical person with my frame because of the years and years of body building. My doctor said most of my weight is muscle but I still need to lose more fat. So my goal is to try to lose another 20lbs by the new year. That give me a smidge less then 3 months.…


Today’s agenda

I go to the doctors this morning. I pick the van up by noon and we are supposed to speak with Gavin's doctor today and I think we are going to look for discharge. We were able to rule out any and all life threats and everything else is untreatable. He is getting picked on and desperately wants to come home.  In my mind he was only there because we needed to know what was going in with the movements. We needed them to address any conditions that may endanger his life. We know we can't treat the voices and we are prepared to find other means of addressing those. Biofeedback has been suggested by Akron as a way to teach Gavin to control voices as well as movements. No…


Failure: An honesty post

Those of you that know us know that we love are kids. Those of you that have been with us a while (years) know what we have been through and the lengths we have gone to for our kids, especially Gavin. That being said, I think we have reached the point now where we have begun failing. We can't seem to get anything done or remember to do anything besides the very basics. We met with a social worker at Akron Children's today. We are of course starting over again. They don't know us from the next family. They may be used to dealing with a certain type of parent. You can see the "client el" during visiting hours. It becomes pretty clear that some of these poor kids are products of…


Gavin Crisis Update 10/11/2010

We are going to be seeing Gavin this afternoon. We are meeting with the doctors at Akron Children's to discuss what we are going to do. Hopefully his stay won't be as long as expected... Please say a prayer...


The Van update

All that is wrong is a sensor broke. They are fixing it for free.  I have to bring the van back on a day where we have nothing going on. So that's where we are with that.


Emmett John, Fit 4 Autism and physical therapy

Emmett John and I did the steps at the Monument. We did the steps 4 times and then the hill 3 times. Also we did the other stairs around the monument because Emmett wanted too do all the steps. Eventually sut of the GPS and stopped tracking. This is great phys ical therapy for Emmett John and I think I will try to get him out there a few times a week.