We have entered “Crisis” mode with Gavin…….

Gavin just had another enormous meltdown. He was punching and biting himself again. He also threw himself around and almost smashed him head onto him bed frame.  I don't know what to do. My gut says we need to take him to Akron Childrens and have him admitted again for his own safety. However, he is only hurting himself and tomorrow is Christmas Eve. How could we do that to him right now? Do we wait or do we take him now? Nobody has any answers.... For right now he is in bed and calmed down. We will have to discuss this again tonight after the kids go down. Please pray for him as well as the rest of my family....Not that this could ever happen at a good time but this is a…


Gavin: Crisis Mode?

The self injury is escalating.  At what point do we draw the line? Do we allow it to get worse or do we send him to Akron? I don't know how to make that decision anymore. Those that have never had to make this type of decision can't begin to imagine what this feels like. He would be there over Christmas and that would be terrible. Is that enough of a reason not to send him back to get help? He did this during the meltdown last night. Didn't notice this at first cause it was under his hair. The cuts extend into his hair line as well.


I fear Akron is in the near future….

Gavin has been really struggling lately/ Today he corrected for taking over the Wii while Elliott was playing a game. I told Gavin he was done playing for now because it wasn't his turn.... Next thing I know he had taken it again.. I told him he was now done for the rest of the day. He completely melted down and because of his reaction he was given oatmeal in place of lunch. His meltdown went on for about 30 minutes before he decided to stop. He is part of what we are seeing.  The most frustrating part is that he is choosing to do this. Sure he is more prone to outbursts but this is a choice. I am, however, concerned that the medications are so out of whack…


There’s been a sighting……

..... of the now infamous "Room Wrecker" not to be confused with the notorious "Home Wrecker". You can see in the photo's how fast he is. He appears only briefly before disappearing once again. While his visits are brief he leaves his "mark" as a reminder that he can strike at any time. No clean room is safe. Don't even waste your time with childproof doors knobs cause the "Room Wrecker" isn't ever slowed down by these obstacles....they are simply an challenge of which he will overcome....


Gavin and Emmett Update….

We just got home. Gavin is ok. He was just a little constipated. Emmett's procedure went well. He is not very happy and not feeling very well but he's ok. We will get the results of the biopsies back on Monday. Until then we are changing his meds for the reflux and restricting his diet due to the allergies. We actually got in 2 hours early because the child that was supposed to got before him got cancelled and so we got in right away instead of having to wait 2 hours. Lizzeis not doing well today so she is napping with Emmett. Gavin is laying down and Elliott is out with my mom shopping for PJ's to wear to school tomorrow for "where PJ's to school day".  I am just finishing up…


Change of plans, AGAIN

We had dropped Gavin off at my parents house and left for Akron Children's hospital.... We got just outside of North Canton and we get a call form the pediatrician. Guess what, he wants Gavin seen at Akron Children's ASAP. Because of Gavin's history of eating "non-food" items they want a full work up done. Akron Children's is the only place able to meet his unique needs. So we had Lizze's mom pick up Gavin and bring him to Akron because we needed to get Emmett to the hospital by a certain time. To be completely honest I'm sitting here in the ER waiting room pretty pissed off. Everything in me wants to be on the surgical floor with Emmett. It's frustrating because Gavin eats things he shouldn't and then lies about it.…


Gavin update……

Gavin seems to be doing better. He was able to go potty and now he feels better. This makes things loads easier a I had no idea how that was going to work out... Thank God for small favors.....


Change of plans

AS we were sitting here getting ready to leave Gavin starts screaming. He is having abdominal pain. This is what happened on Thursday night last week and resulted in him vomiting everywhere. He settled down after a few minutes and tried going potty. I called the doctor to see what they want us to do.. The obvious concern is whether or not he ate something he shouldn't have (PICA related). So we are now trying to make alternative arrangements in the even Gavin needs to be seen as well.....