@MobileFun Slim Carbon Fiber Flip Case for the Galaxy Note 2 (Review)

Slim Carbon Fiber Flip Case for the Galaxy Note 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYUh-Hls8-o I was lucky enough to be sent the Slim Carbon Fiber Flip Case to review. This Samsung Galaxy Note 2, courtesy ofMobileFun.com. This is a very nice and professional looking case. It actually protects the amazing Galaxy Note 2, without causing the little scuffs and scratches that can be cause by other cases. The case itself is about $27 shipped from the UK. This is a really good price, especially for being internationally shipped.

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Engaging the Tech Community and spreading #Autism Awareness

In an effort to further spread #Autism Awareness into the general public and provide my readers with products that can benefit their families, I will be reviewing more and more tech products and hosting more giveaways. This may sound a bit off topic but there is a huge tech community out there. If the point of Autism Awareness is to help educate the public and show them what Autism is like in real life, then we need to engage with influential groups of people on a personal level. I have found amazing success with this approach. However, since I have stopped actively developing ROM's for Android powered Smartphones, I feel like I've lost touch with that community. The Android community has been hugely supportive of my quest to spread Autism…


My Manic Monday Scramble. Share yours..

I thought it might be fun to share our Manic Monday stories.  Monday's have historically been rather unpleasant for the Lost and Tired family.  Today is no exception.  Lizze got up with the boys this morning because I had a really bad night of restless sleep. I was awoke by Lizze panicking and telling me that AEP had come out to shut off our power.  This was not exactly how I wanted to meet Monday morning. Having said that, it's better to face this sorta thing head on. Lizze and I went into a scramble. We were literally counting change.  It's sad really, and some may even say irresponsible but we really do the best we can.  Sometimes it just comes down to counting pennies. Anyway, I scrambled to the…


Anyone ever get restless legs?

Twice now in the last week,  I've gone to bed and ended up not being able to sleep.  The reason is restless legs.  This isn't like restless leg syndrome, at least in the sense that it's acute and not chronic. Regardless though, it's a horrible experience.  My heart goes out to those of you out there, like my wife, who deal with this all the time. I teuly don't know how you do it. When this happens to me, I either flop around all night and keep Lizze up or I take to the couch and let the dogs lay on my legs. Their weight seems to provide a great deal of relief. Tonight is another one of those nights and I'm completely exhausted. I don't know how my wife…

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We have to pay taxes, why doesn’t Facebook?

I don't normally post articles like this but for this, I'll make an exception.  I think that every hard working American should be pissed off and boycotting Facebook. At a time when our country is facing economic turmoil, how can we allow Facebook to skate by without have to pay a single dime in taxes.  If that doesn't make you angry enough, they're even getting a half a billion dollar tax return. Our government needs to be held accountable for this and Facebook should be made to pay the piper. The below article is courtesy of FoxNews.com All credit goes to FoxNews.com and the original article can be found here. Facebook paid no taxes despite record profits Saturday, February 16, 2013 FoxNews.com Despite earning more than $1 billion in profits…



When we repainted our house a few years ago, I was really careful not muck up the walls.  I was always reminding the kids not to touch the walls. Anyone with kids can probably guess how well that went. Back then, I couldn't recognize a losing battle when I saw it, and trust me, this was a losing battle.  Having said that, I've grown a great deal since then and not just in the waistline.  While it took a little while for me to realize that the marks in the walls gave our house character, I see that now.  Looking back on how I tried to protect the freshly painted walls, I feel silly for putting so much weight on something that mattered not.  Fast forward a few years and…


40 Days of Water

I have recently accepted a challenge.  This challenge will help lead to better health and help me to practice self control. A little while ago, Lizze stumbled across something on one of her Mommy Blogs that pertained to improving ones health.  The challenge was to give up all beverages with the exception of water,  for forty days.  There are obvious health benefits to this.  Things like detoxing the body, proper hydration and weight loss. I'm going to take this challenge up and beginning Monday, February 18th, I will drink only water for a total of 40 days.  Who knows, I may get used to this and make it a more permanent thing.  Anyone else want to join me? We can all share our progress and help motivate each other. This…


Does you kids fighting drive you crazy?

I'm so grateful when the boys get along.  In all honesty, they typically get along pretty well.  They're getting along much better since Gavin moved out. I'm glad that they're getting along better but I wish it was under different circumstances. Do your kids get along or do they fight like cats and dogs? There are times that my kids get along so well, we don't even know they're there.  Other times, like this morning for example, it's like a friggin MMA match, complete with screaming, yelling and Lizze and I wanting to tap out. Having said that, the times that they do get along really well are that much sweeter.  :-) What do you see in your household? Does the fighting drive you nuts? Have you found a way…

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