Today’s Victory: Taking care of ourselves

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

Everyday I want to try and celebrate something positive that occurred. It’s important to me that I not get swallowed up by all the shit in our lives. It’s also important that I present both sides of Autism parenting. 

There are days that truly suck and I’d love nothing more than to board the Crazy Train with a one way ticket to I don’t care where. 

At the same time, there are also moments where I’m reminded how truly blessed I am to have my kids. It’s these moments that I live for because they help me find the strength to keep on keeping on, especially on the bad days. 
With that in mind, here’s what I’m celebrating today.  

The boys went to spend some time with my amazing in-laws on Sunday afternoon. This gave Lizze and I the desperately needed break our exhausted bodies and minds were begging us for.  

Rather than just go to sleep, Lizze and I decided to spend some time at the Garden Center. We just enjoyed the weather and took tons of pictures of the Fall foliage. 

It was nice to have time to ourselves. It was even nicer to spend that time awake and doing something we love. 💙

The kids met up with us after a bit for some Pokémon hunting. The server gods were smiling down on us because all three boys were able to login and actually play. ☺ 

This was a really awesome victory and one totally worth celebrating. This kinda stuff doesn’t happen all that often but when it does, we are eternally grateful.  

I’m going to add this to the win column.  ☺ 

I encourage you all your own victory in the comments below.  ☺️

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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