I haven’t figured out how to approach all of this

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 11, 2020

I’m going to be splitting my focus this week between work and getting the kids ready to begin school next week.

I have an interview first thing this morning and then a business meeting in the afternoon. After that, I’m working with the boys to help them get organized and prepped for school to begin next Monday.

There are a few phone calls I need to make to the school to figure out some of the logistics that I have questions about. I need to look at a new desk for the boys as well. We have one but I’d like for each of the boys to have their own setup.

I haven’t figured out how to approach all of this just yet. There are a few things that I’ll probably just need to learn along the way. For example, should I keep the boys separated while they work or keep them in the same room? Will they distract each other or maybe help each other stay on task?

It’s really important that I rise to the occasion here. I know that everything is going to be challenging but if we can stay the course, and find our groove, I feel pretty good about our chances of success here.

At the end of the day, all I can do is my best. Education is so important but right now, literally everyone is struggling in this area and no one has it figured out. We can’t expect the impossible at this point but I’m all for making a solid effort to keep my kids moving forward in their education during this global pandemic.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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We need to take this whole time day by day. Anyone that thinks they’ve figured it out has never been in a classroom. In education, we come up with a plan, teach and then reflect and revise a new plan for the next day with new accommodations especially when working with autistic kids. Often times our lesson plans are often not executed exactly the way they were written out. Sometimes we follow the student lead and the lesson naturally shows a deeper meaning or new concept we could never have anticipated. Sometimes the lesson flops. The child may lack the foundational skills that day to engage. ( Especially when kids lose executive functioning in times of trauma )
So…Thank you for being the voice of nearly all parents that are taking a crash course in a career they didn’t prepare for. Thank you for putting a highlight onto the vulnerable feelings that so many people are facing. Keep writing and creating a space where parents feel supported. The trolls that have nothing else to do but spew negativity will eventually simmer down too busy coming up with plan B, C, and D.

The Handsome Stranger

Are you kidding me? EVERY PERSON I KNOW has this figured out because they are competent parents who value education. Please stop minimizing your shortcomings by acting like it’s normal and okay. It’s insulting to those of us who are working so hard to make it happen.


are you fucking kidding? Every parent I know is stressing about ALL of this,especially those of us with immuno-compromised kids in this time of Covid. We are stressing about keeping our kids alive, keeping our kids going forward, and as autism parents we are stressing exponentially.


Hay doushbag @ the handsome stranger. Does it make you feel better to put people down. Good luck in your smugness. The rest of us mere mortals are scared and anxious. We are all humans trying to figure out this massive change. Except you who has it all figured out. Good luck with that